- Can I commit or roll back transactions inside a stored procedure? 能否在存储过程中提交一个的回滚事务?
- Commit or Roll back Changes 提交或取消一个变化控制设计界面:总体介绍
- The transaction object in turn supports methods that allow you to commit or roll back the transactions. 事务对象反过来支持使您可以提交或回滚事务的方法。
- The application must still commit or roll back the full transaction when it is complete. 但应用程序仍然必须在事务完成后提交或回滚整个事务。
- For example, a package can group tasks that delete and add rows in a database table, and then commit or roll back all the tasks when one fails. 例如,包可以将在数据库表中删除和添加行的任务分组到一起,然后当其中一个任务失败时提交或回滚所有任务。
- The transaction manager native to the System.Transactions infrastructure allows volatile resources or a single durable resource enlistment to commit or roll back efficiently. 使用System.;Transactions基础结构的本机事务管理器可以有效地提交或回滚可变资源或单个持久资源登记。
- Any cursors open when a transaction is committed or rolled back are closed. 关闭在提交或回滚事务时打开的所有游标。
- Any cursors that are open when a transaction is committed or rolled back are closed. 则会关闭在提交或回滚事务时打开的游标。
- Locks associated with the current transaction are released when the transaction commits or rolls back. 当事务提交或回滚时,将释放与当前事务相关联的锁。
- Marks the start of processing that will be committed or rolled back, depending on the success of the transaction. 根据事务成功与否,标记将被提交或回滚的处理的开始。
- When a transaction in a CTM commits or rolls back, all the changes made by the objects involved in the transaction are either committed or undone as a group. 当CTM中的事务提交或回滚时,与事务相关的对象所做的全部更改都一起被提交或取消。
- The XACT_STATE function determines whether the transaction should be committed or rolled back. XACT_STATE函数确定应提交事务还是应回滚事务。
- When a transaction is either committed or rolled back, any open cursors are closed. 当提交或回滚事务后,所有打开的游标都将被关闭。
- When set to ON, any cursors open when a transaction is committed or rolled back are closed. 当设置为ON时,所有打开的游标都将在提交或回滚事务时关闭。
- Event notifications do not fire by an action defined in a trigger when the transaction is committed or rolled back inside the trigger. 如果在触发器内提交或回滚事务,则触发器中定义的操作不会激发事件通知。
- Once it has been committed or rolled back, it cannot be used again in a transaction or set as the current ambient transaction context. 一经提交或回滚,就不能在事务中再次使用它或将它设置为当前环境事务上下文。
- Methods, which enable you to roll back changes made to the object. 方法,这些方法使您得以回滚对对象进行的更改。
- Transactions that are automatically opened as the result of this setting being ON must be explicitly committed or rolled back by the user at the end of the transaction. 对于因为此设置为ON而自动打开的事务,用户必须在该事务结束时将其显式提交或回滚。
- SIGNAL statements will also roll back changes caused within the trigger. SIGNAL语句也将回滚在触发器内发生的更改。
- This degrades system throughput because any locks held by the transaction are released only when the transaction is committed or rolled back. 这将降低系统的吞吐量,因为事务持有的任何锁只有在事务提交或回滚后才会释放。