- commit oneself to a promise 使自己坚守诺言
- to commit oneself to a promise 受诺言的约束
- commit oneself to a course of action 决定采取一行动
- He held me to a promise not to disturb him again. "他要我信守承诺,别再打扰他。"
- It is difficult to apply oneself to a boring task. 致力于厌烦的工作是非常困难的。
- Love said to be a promise to a lover! 钟爱一生!
- To burn one's bridges is to commit oneself to an irreversible course. 破釜沉舟,就是选择一条不可回头的道路。
- I would never Break a promise that I'd made to a friend. 我绝不对我的朋友失信。
- To commit oneself by a promise to do or give; pledge 允诺,保证:通过要做或要给予的承诺来表明自己;发誓
- commit oneself to a cause 献身于某事业
- Microvision commit oneself to become to leading level visual image products and equipment solution provider in visual inspection, measurement, image recognition, visual positioning. 维视图像努力成为一家在视觉检测、测量、图像识别、视觉定位等方面具有领先水平的视觉图像产品、设备解决方案提供者。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- commit oneself to; devote oneself to 致力于
- Commit oneself to; a course of action 决定采取一行动
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- commit oneself to fatalistic resignation 听天由命
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- You should never go back on your promise to a child. 你给孩子许了愿就千万不要食言。
- One's soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. 假使一个人专心从事一件高尚的事业,他的心胸就会开阔。
- It refers to confidently recommending oneself to attend to a task. “毛遂自荐”比喻自告奋勇,自我推荐去从事某项工作。