- Commit an offence once more 再次犯罪
- Trying to do something illegal or to commit an offence. 未遂罪,犯罪企图,试图做不合法的事或犯罪。
- If you commit an offence, you should bear the legal consequences. 一旦触犯法律,你应承担法律后果。
- He was not aware that he had committed an offence. 他没有意识到自己犯罪了。
- He committed an offence against our laws. 他犯了法。
- She felt she had committed an offence against the right of others. 她觉得自己侵犯了他人的权利。
- If an advertisement does not tell the truth ,the advertiser is committing an offence . 如果广告是假的,发广告者就触犯了法律。
- Similarly, the offeror of the advantage commits an offence under the same section. 根据该法例同一条款,行贿也是犯法。
- If an advertisement does not tell the truth , the advertiser is committing an offence . 如果广告是假的,发广告者就触犯了法律。
- He came to know that he had committed an offence against the will of the majority. 他终于知道自己违背了大多数人的意志。
- A person who knowingly or recklessly makes any false or incorrect statement or gives information which is materially false or misleading commits an offence under the law. 任何人士如明知或罔顾后果地作出任何虚假或不正确的陈述,或提供属虚假达关键程度或具误导性达关键程度的资料,即属违法。
- Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely? 我因为白白传神的福音给你们,就自居卑微,叫你们高升,这算是我犯罪吗。
- Any company that is already using such a name without our consent is committing an offence and should cease to use the name or obtain consent without delay. 任何公司未得我们同意而使用这类名称,即属违法,并应停止使用该名称,或立即申请批准。
- Any person, who has committed an offence of offering or accepting a bribe, shall be subject to criminal liabilities irrespective of his nationality or position. 假若出现行贿或受贿的行为,有关的犯案人士,不论国籍或是职位高低,都要负上刑事责任。
- To instigate someone to commit an offence 唆使犯法
- She braced up and tried once more. 她鼓起勇气又试了一次。
- You have every reason to try it once more. 你有充分的理由再试一次。
- I'll play back the text once more. 我把课文录音再重放一遍。
- "Loitering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,"he said. "到处游荡,企图作案。"他说。
- Under the law, anyone who without reasonable excuse fails to apply for a new ID card within the specified period commits an offence. 根据法例,任何人士若未能在指明限期内换领新身份证而又无合理辩解,即属违法。