- Command Procurement System 司令部采购系统(美国空军)
- The weapon and equipment procurement system is being gradually reformed. 武器装备采购制度改革逐步深化。
- Buy the cornerstone of the procurement system are standard domestics. 国货采购制度的基石是国货标准。
- Command Automated Procurement System 司令部自动采购系统
- An outline of Sunlight Procurement System of Guangdong Guang-Dian Power Grid Group Co., Ltd. 广东省广电集团有限公司阳光采购系统概述。
- Government procurement system in the socialist market economy also needs a large number of promotion. 政府采购制度在社会主义市场经济中同样需要大量推广。
- Summary: The government procurement system is the western countries Public expenditure management is an important system. 内容摘要:政府采购制度是西方国家公共支出管理的一项重要制度。
- An effective procurement system ensures that goods and services are purchased in a competitive and equitable way, and the purchases made represent value for money. 有效的采购程序,能确保公司以公平、具竞争性的方式,根据物有所值原则采购货品或服务。
- Government procurement system(GPS),an essential part of public finance system,is an important measure for government to manage finance payout and control macroeconomy. 政府采购制度是构建公共财政体系的重要组成部分,是财政支出管理和政府宏观经济调控的重要手段。
- This study presents the government procurement system, analyzes various government procurement supervision mechanisms one by one, and compares the meanings of those mechanisms. 本研究将政府采购制度作一扼要的呈现,并就各种政府采购监督机制的主要内容逐一分析、比较其内涵。
- Air Force Systems Command Procurement Production 空军系统司令部采购与生产(处)
- Recruit and train sub-ordinates in Quality Control and Procurement systems. 在质量控制系统中招募和培训下级员工。
- Army Materiel Command Procurement Instructions 陆军器材司令部采购指令
- Robert Hecht of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative notes that the international vaccine procurement system and laws governing liability and intellectual property also need further development. 国际爱滋疫苗计画(IAVI)的赫克特(RobertHecht)指出,国际间在疫苗的采购系统、管理义务的法律及智慧财产方面,都需要进一步的发展。
- Development and Readiness Command Procurement Instruction 发展与战备司令部采购指令
- Simpler procurement systems are just extensions of the accounting department's accounts payable program. 较简单的采购系统只是会计部门应付帐款支付程序的延续
- Army Materiel Command Procurement and Production Directorate 陆军器材司令部采购与生产处
- Development in procurement systems and retail distribution networks has not kept pace however, and most retail chains still rely on independent suppliers. 采购系统和和零售配送网络的发展并没有跟上步伐,然而,大多数连锁机构依然依靠独立的供应商。
- The captain reiterated the command to us. 上尉对我们重申了那项命令。
- The code will systematically integrate with the right protection system, the judicative system and the procuratorial system for under-ages. 依法建立专门的未成年人法院审理所有涉及未成年人的民事、行政、刑事案件;