- Don' t stop. Come straight back. 不要停下来。直接(或马上)回来。
- Come straight back. 直接回来,中途别耽搁。
- The lead was to last just two minutes as the Rossoneri came straight back on the attack and Gilardino saw a fierce shot parried by overworked Santoni. 这个领先仅仅保持了两分钟,红黑军团大举压上,吉拉迪诺的怒射被门将桑托尼挡出底线。
- Juventus came straight back up last season following their relegation after Calciopoli, and Iaquinta said that "of course" he would have loved to have been a part of that. 尤文在上赛季被驱逐出意甲后顺利回来了,亚昆塔说“当然”很乐意成为那只尤文的一部分。
- Come straight away after school. 放学后直接回家。
- Age had bowed his once straight back. 他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。
- Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point. 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。
- 7'Roma come straight back and Totti hits the left post with a low shot from Cassano's right-wing cross. 7分钟托地接卡萨诺右边传中,一脚低射打中左门柱。
- If you've got bad news, don't beat about the bush, come straight to the point. 如果你得到了坏消息,不要转弯抹角,直截了当地对我说。
- The team flies straight back to New Jersey. 队伍直飞回了新泽西。
- Come straight home after school. 放学后直接回家来。
- He will come straight from Paris. 他将直接从巴黎来。
- Come straight home after school, Tom. 汤姆,放学后要直接回家。
- We've come straight from the airport to your house. 我们从机场出来就直接来你家了。
- Xiangzi ran his rickshaw straight back to Harmony Yard. 他拉着车一直奔了人和厂去。
- Comb all the hair above the part straight back and coil into a bun. 用梳子将耳朵以上的所有头发梳到脑后并卷成一个发髻。
- She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply. 她没有迟疑,痛快地答覆了。
- If John had come straight home none of this would have happened. Ah well, life is full of snares and pitfalls and no one is proof against them all. 要是约翰直接回家就不会发生这种事了。算了吧,生活充满了诱惑和风险,没有人能挡得住的。
- I'll come straight to the point your work isn't good enough. 我要直截了当地说--你的工作做得不够好。
- As all of us are veteran comrades,I'll come straight to the point. 我们都是老同志,说话开门见山。