- This staff will merely be a great pad between the theatre commanders and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. 而这些人员只会成为战区司令官和联合参谋长委员会之间的一个庞大的缓冲队伍。
- When I got back to the White House I found that great progress had been made by the Combined Chiefs of Staff, and that it was mostly in harmony with my views. 当我回到白宫的时候,我发现联合参谋长会议的工作已经有了长足的进展,并且大部分是同我的意见一致的。
- I informed the President and the Chief of Staff. 我向总统和参谋长做了报告。
- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. 白宫总参谋长:安德鲁
- IDF Chief of Staff at the time was Moshe Dayan. 国防军总参谋长,在当时是摩西。
- He served as a chief of staff in the army. 他在部队做参谋长。
- Incoming Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel agrees. 即将上任的奥巴马参谋长伊曼纽尔对此表示同意。
- Combined Chiefs of Staff 盟国参谋长联席会议
- Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff. 皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。
- In 1909 Haig was made Chief of Staff of the Indian army. 1909年黑格担任印度军队的总参谋长。
- He also advised against becoming Jerry Browns chief of staff. 他还建议我不要去当杰里.;布朗的办公室主任。
- From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla. 从2001年起,他担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。
- Combined Chief of Staff 联合参谋长
- The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week. 领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。
- Summerall, former Chief of Staff, first win his fame? Summerall上将,是如何赢得他第一次的威望的?
- He was Mr Putin's chief of staff and legal consigliere. 他曾是普京的总参谋长与法律顾问。
- There are heads of divisions, chief engineers, chiefs of staff, and so on. 还有各部门主任、总工程师、主管等。
- I have nominated Brigadier de Guingand as Chief of Staff Eighth Army. 我已经委派德圭因甘德准将担任第八集团军参谋长。
- Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999currently serves as the chief of staff. 苏珊于一九九九年加入ADG电子,目前担任人事总务主管。
- Mr.Obama's pick for chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, accepted the job Thursday. 奥巴马挑选的白宫办公厅主任伊曼纽尔星期四接受了这一任命。