- Coma paced around the lounge. 柯玛在起居室里踱来踱去。
- The horse paced around the ring. 那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。
- As Scooter scoots around the lounge floor, he is dwarfed by plastic toy figurines belonging to Ms McKnight's grandson. 小摩托在起居室地上出溜出溜地跑, 和周围麦克奈特的孙子玩儿的塑料小人一比,他成了小不点儿。
- The bull paced around the tree, dragging a heavy iron chain with him, which scraped a trench in the bark about three feet off ground. 牛绕着那棵树周围转,拖着重重的铁链,在离地大约三尺的地方,那铁链在树皮里留下了深深的刻痕。
- The children have make an awful mess in the lounge. 孩子们把起居室弄得凌乱不堪。
- There will be 30,000 free flags paced around the stadium as we look to recreate the special atmosphere that helped the team to big victories against Barcelona and Porto. 为了期望再度营造出协助球队大胜巴塞罗那和波尔图的气氛,到时将会有30,000张旗子溜走在体育馆之间。
- The children have made an awful mess in the lounge. 孩子们把起居室弄得凌乱不堪。
- After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge. 饭後我们都到休息室去了。
- The doctor had stood up and was pacing around the room. 博士站了起来,在房间里踱来踱去。
- Pace around the room? 在屋内四处踱步?
- The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- The mirror was hooked to the wall in the lounge. 镜子挂在起居室的墙上。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- Now how about a drink in the lounge outside? 就在外面休息厅里喝点什么如何?
- We saw him watering the lawn around the house. 我们看见他在为屋子四周的草坪浇水。
- Would you care to wait a moment in the lounge? 能否请你在休息室稍候片刻?
- Would you like to see the lounge? 想去看看休息室吗?
- He just slops around the house all day. 他整天只是在屋里转来转去。
- He walked into the lounge and stopped abruptly. 她跨进客厅,猛地停住了脚。