- Columbus found America. 哥伦布发现美洲。
- Columbus found a warm support in Queen. 哥伦布得到了女王的热心赞助。
- Columbus found a warm supporter in the Queen. 哥伦布发现王后是位热心的支持者。
- Stories of what Columbus found quickly spread across Europe. 哥伦布的发现很快便传遍了欧洲。
- Columbus found the American Continent dated from 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆.
- On a thrid voyage in 1498 Columbus found Trinidad and explored the northern coast of South American. 1498年哥伦布第三次出航,发现了特立尼达,探访了南美的北部海岸线。
- The first great populist: he found America a republic and left it a democracy. 第一大民粹:他发现了美洲和左一个民主共和国。
- I have found America to be a very youth oriented society, in stark contrast to the importance we attach to age. 我发现美国是一个非常以青年为主的社会,与我们的尊重老年形成明显的对照。
- Richter: I find America standardised. Everything's the same. I don't like it there. 李希特:我觉得美国很制式化。什麽东西都一样。我不喜欢那里。
- But if he fails even to hint that Christians should be tolerated, he may find America's Congress increasingly loth to help bail him out. 但他甚至竟未表示应对基督徒表示宽容,因此,美国国会在资金援助问题上将越发犹豫不决。
- Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak. 哥伦布刚巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。
- It is not just Russians who find America's plans for missile defence in Europe provocative, or Iranians who say the sanctions against Iran's nuclear programme reek of double standards. 不仅仅俄罗斯认为美国在欧洲的导弹防御计划具有挑衅性,或是只有伊朗人说对伊朗核计划的制裁是明显的双重标准。
- Mr Ahmed's government sorely needs money to shore itself up.But if he fails even to hint that Christians should be tolerated, he may find America's Congress increasingly loth to help bail him out. 艾哈迈德的政府急需资金援助来支撑下去,但如果他甚至都不能暗示应该容忍基督徒的存在,美国国会将越来越难以对他提供救助。
- Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492. 据说哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。
- A bathroom supply company sponsoring an online poll aimed at finding America's best bathroom has narrowed the field to five sparkling-clean, sweet-smelling potties. 一家赞助线上票选,旨在找出美国最棒厕所的卫浴供应公司,已经缩小范围到5个洁亮无比、香喷喷的厕所。
- Columbus kept on his way until he saw land. 可哥伦布继续前行直到他看到了陆地。
- Columbus discover america but do not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆
- Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbus's discovery of America. 早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲。
- The discovery of the new continent is usually referred to Columbus. 人们通常认为新大陆是哥伦布发现的。
- America was discovered by Columbus. 美洲是由哥伦布发现的。