- Study on Sieve and Cultivation of the new Potted plant Colorful Vegetable Varieties 盆栽彩色蔬菜新品种筛选及配套栽培管理技术研究
- Colorful vegetable varieties 彩色蔬菜品种
- The colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor. 这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。
- The AFCD also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation. In addition,two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production - white bitter cucumber and garden pea - were introduced. 此外,该署已完成环控温室作物生产的本地适应性研究,并引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即白玉苦瓜和软荚豌豆。
- He was amazed by the colorful vegetation of the tropical forest. 热带森林中奇异多彩的植物令他惊奇。
- Through the applied agricultural research programme of the department,two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production,namely coloured sweet pepper and zucchini,were introduced in 1999. 年内,该处透过应用农业研究计划,引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即彩色甜椒和翠玉瓜。
- Colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor. 这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。
- The AFCD also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation. In addition, two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production - white bitter cucumber and garden pea - were introduced. 此外,该署已完成环控温室作物生产的本地适应性研究,并引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即白玉苦瓜和软荚豌豆。
- Through the applied agricultural research programme of the department, two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production, namely coloured sweet pepper and zucchini, were introduced in 1999. 年内,该处透过应用农业研究计划,引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即彩色甜椒和翠玉瓜。
- The carotene of general and brunet vegetable, riboflavin and vitamin C content, relatively light color vegetable is tall, and contain more phytochemistry substance. 一般深色蔬菜的胡萝卜素、核黄素和维生素C含量,较浅色蔬菜高,而且含有更多的植物化学物。
- On the basis of summarizing the cultivated and wild species of vegetables in Shanghai,a large number of new vegetable varieties introduced,bred and popularized since the 21st century were replenished. 在对上海栽培蔬菜和野生蔬菜种类进行研究总结的基础上,补充了进入21世纪以来引进、选育并推广的大量蔬菜新种类、新品种。
- Beginning of winter's morning, a little chill in the air, on Ma Yuzhen Zheng Cun field, scatteredly, several colored vegetable seed agriculture.... 入冬的早晨,有点寒意,马屿镇上郑村的田头,稀稀落落地,几个花菜种农。...
- Mostly colorful vegetables and legumes, plus unsaturated fats(olive, canola, or flaxseed oils), garlic, herbs, and apices. Meat and eggs are optional. 大多数彩色蔬菜和豆类植物不饱和脂肪(如橄榄油,菜籽油,亚麻籽油)蒜草本肉蛋类不必须
- The result showed that vegetational varieties in ecological forest in Shanghai is relatively shortage, the plantation structure is too simple, and it is lack of the natural enemy. 调查表明:上海城市生态系统中的植物种类相对稀少,林分结构较为单一,缺乏病虫害天敌;
- The Knorr division of Unilever is offering a line of aseptic soups whose packaging graphics reinforce the healthiness of colorful vegetables. 司的克诺尔联合利华推出了系列的无菌包装图形汤类加强其健全的彩色蔬菜。
- The application of colorful vegetation in South China gardens are analyzed by introducing the concept, characteristics and assorting of colorful vegetation. 通过系统阐述园林彩叶地被植物的概念、特点及分类,对彩叶地被植物在华南地区园林中的应用现状进行分析和阐述;
- The bottom line33) is that sprucing up34) your fish, poultry, or meat-based meals with colorful vegetables and fruits makes it look enticing and taste great too. 总而言之,用五颜六色的蔬菜和水果来补充你以鱼类、家禽或肉类为主的膳食,也会使其色泽诱人,口味绝佳。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Adolescence girls lost certain blood during their each menses(月经), so they need take more livers, eggs, meats and dark color vegetables, which contain Fe and protein. 青春期的女孩每月月经来潮会有固定的血液流失,需多摄取肝脏、蛋、肉类及深色蔬菜等含铁质、蛋白质的食物。
- Outside scenarios with vivid colors, beautiful forests with colorful vegetation, shinny and beautiful waterfalls where even rainbows take place. 多彩的户外场景,绿意盎然的美丽森林,波光粼粼的瀑布上甚至还有彩虹。