- Collection is not paid. 托收款未得照付。
- Collection is not pay. 托收款未能照付。
- Which means the collection is not thread safe. 表示集合不是线程安全的。
- This advice is not paid attention his essence. 他根本没注意这个劝告。
- Collection is not strongly typed. 集合并非为强类型。
- He is not paid well although he works long hours. 他工作时间虽然很长,但收入并不高。
- The data we have collected is not enough to be convincing. 我们所收集的资料还不足以令人信服。
- It is not to be considered a trade discount and will not be allowed when bill is not paid on or before due date. 对此折扣,不再视为贸易折扣,在到期日或到期日前,该支票未能兑现。
- Sorry. Taking photos of our collection is not allowed. 对不起,不行。不允许为收藏品拍照。
- Tows, catches up with a late collection is not has not harvested. 拖一拖,赶个晚集不是没收获。
- She is working for us on commission,ie is not paid a salary. 她按挣回扣方式为我们工作(没有薪水)。
- If tax is not paid on the due date, tax is deemed to be in default. 如税款在缴税日期后欠缴,所有逾期未缴的税款,当被作为欠税。
- The Duke is not paid for his trade and investment work. 约克公爵为英国贸易和投资所做的工作没有报酬。
- You see. The wage is not paid yet, I have a big family to raise. 你看,工资还没有发,而我必须养活一大家子人。
- She is working for us on commission, ie is not paid a salary. 她按挣回扣方式为我们工作(没有薪水).
- Attendant: Sorry. Taking photos of our collection is not allowed. 工作人员:对不起,不行。不允许为收藏品拍照。
- The data you have collected is not enough to be convincing. 你们收集的材料说服力不足。
- Interest is not paid by banks when a current account is in credit. 活期账户有贷方余额时,银行不支付利息。
- If adequate compensation is not paid, it is known as confiscation. 如果不作适当的补偿,就称之为没收充公。
- My collection is not the exotic, they should serve me for the time being. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!