- How can people make a living in this arid area? 这片不毛之地上的人们怎么谋生呢?
- Eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area. 在贫瘠的地区耕作以勉强度日
- The 5.Flavescens growing in the cold arid northern high-latitude areas had higher oxymatrine concentration. 生长在寒冷干燥的高纬度地区的苦参根中氧化苦参碱含量较高.
- The next battle will be rehabilitating more arid areas of China. 下一场战役是恢复中国更干旱的地区。
- As the atmosphere has warmed over the past century, droughts in arid areas have persisted longer, and massive bursts of precipitation have become more common. 因为大气在上个世纪已经开始变暖,所以干旱地区的旱灾也持续得更长久,集中的降雨量也更加常见。
- Fan-shaped lands are the main places of formation and evolution of oases in arid areas. 摘要扇形地是干旱区绿洲形成与演变的主要地方。
- Their ability to survive in arid areas unsuitable for farming became a premier benefit of these new breeds. 牛在不适于耕作的贫瘠土地上的生存能力是这个物种首要的优点。
- Cutting or digging shrubs,medicinal herbs or other sand-fixation plants on desert or semi-desert grasslands or in arid areas shall be prohibited. 禁止在荒漠草原、半荒漠草原和沙化地区砍挖灌木、药材及其他固沙植物。
- About 10 percent of them,mainly the arid areas in the Northwest and some areas in the Southwest,have not yet lifted themselves out of poverty. 有百分之十左右的农村地区还没有摆脱贫穷,主要是在西北干旱地区和西南的一部分地区。
- This becomes very obvious in arid areas like Xinjiang, where plant and animal life as well as human life is restricted to small oasis, which receive water. 这个概念在干旱地区(如新疆)非常明显,植物、动物以及人类的生活都被严格限制到了有水的绿洲上。
- Microwave signatures over carbonate sedimentary platforms in arid areas: Potential geological applications of passive microwave observations? 在干旱地区碳酸盐沉积台地上的微波信号:被动微波观测能否用于地质?
- The paper proposed a research method considering EWR of the river corridor as EWR of the natural oasis and thus developed an EWR model for arid areas. 提出了以河流廊道的生态需水作为天然绿洲生态需水的研究方法,以此建立了干旱区生态需水模型。
- About 10 percent of them, mainly the arid areas in the Northwest and some areas in the Southwest, have not yet lifted themselves out of poverty. 有百分之十左右的农村地区还没有摆脱贫穷,主要是在西北干旱地区和西南的一部分地区。
- Cutting or digging shrubs, medicinal herbs or other sand-fixation plants on desert or semi-desert grasslands or in arid areas shall be prohibited. 禁止在荒漠草原、半荒漠草原和沙化地区砍挖灌木、药材及其他固沙植物。
- Fertigation -an efficient way to apply water and fertilizer[J].Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas,2001,19(4):16-21. Fertigation--水肥调控的有效措施[J].;干旱地区农业研究;2001;19(4):16-21
- The results showed that the adaptability of natural pasture was better in semi-humid and humid areas than in semi-arid and arid areas. 分析表明:牧草的自然生态适应性在半干旱、干旱环境中明显不如湿润、半湿润地区;
- Consisted of the oases,desert basins,plains,and surrounding mountains,the Xinjiang territory system is one of the main arid areas in northwest China. 由绿洲及其所在荒漠盆地平原与周边山地系统共同组成的新疆地域系统、是我国西北干旱区的主要部分之一。
- Soil salinization damaged ecosystem seriously,so it is necessary to study the arid area salinization. 准确提取盐渍化信息对土壤盐渍化监测和研究盐渍化动态变化具有重要意义。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Therefore, constructing water saving city is a significant ways to solve these problems in arid areas, especially in Shaanxi Province. 因此,构建节水型城市是陕西省乃至西北干旱缺水地区解决缺水问题的一个重要途径。