- Through the analysis on failures in five high tension leveller,the “Design aganist Failure” method was used to comeover the fired event of tension roll bearing. 通过对五辊张力机的病因分析,采用“对症设计”的方法来根治张力辊轴承被烧事故。
- At this point tension roll up or down quickly, make a slight change paper tension, Business card printing and membership card making graphics and text misregister occurs. 此时不不不不不张力辊迟缓上下安不收,使得纸张不不不不不张力不详有改变,制卡和会员卡制息图文从而爆发套印禁绝本体。
- Design of Tension Roll Assembly in Cold Tandem Mills 冷连轧机组中张力辊组的设计
- Study on Improving Surface Scratching Mark of Measuring Tension Roll of Pickling Line-Tandem Cold Rolling Mill 测张辊表面划伤研究
- The study on improving surface scratching mark of measuring tension roll of pickling line-tandem cold rolling mill 改善酸轧机组测张辊表面划伤的研究
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- The girl's hands were chapped by the cold. 那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- It gets cold quickly when the sun goes down. 太阳下山后天气很快就会冷下来。
- The boy was enfeebled by the cold. 那个男孩因感冒而虚弱无力。
- The cold weather antedate ed their departure. 寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- The pine trees defy severe cold. 松树不畏严寒。
- Douglas put away Collins in cold blood. 道格拉斯蓄意杀死了柯林斯。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。