- Code of Conduct for Visitors 访客守则
- This Code of Conduct is drawn up for visitors to ensure that these activities can be carried out effectively. 本访客守则是要确保使用中心的人士能有效进行上述活动。
- There are no guidelines or codes of conduct for aquaculture activities. 没有对水产养殖的准则或行为守则。
- The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations. 新的管理章程为劳资关系确定了基本的原则。
- Their conduct and etiquette are governed by the Code of Conduct for the Bar of the HKSAR. 大律师的操守和业内成规,受香港大律师公会专业守则所约束。
- Which of the following statements BEST describes part of PMI's Code of Conduct for PMPs? 以下哪句话最好地描述了适合项目管理专业人员的国际项目管理学会行为守则?
- Most importantly is to concretize and amend the code of conduct for enforcement. 最重要的是修改实务守则,将之具体化,让监管部门有法可依。
- Germany expressed confidence that it could persuade the US and UK to support a self-policing code of conduct for the industry. 德国相信,它能够说服美国和英国,让它们支持建立对冲基金自愿行动准则。
- But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina School District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice. 但是,基于为克里斯蒂娜学区行为准则,扎卡里是一个一年级学生,学校官员别无选择。
- Last summer Clay Lowery, an American treasury official, proposed that the IMF work on a code of conduct for sovereign-wealth funds. 去年夏天,美国财政部官员楼瑞建议国际货币基金组织制定一份主权财富基金行为指引。
- Concerning the development of a code of conduct for technical assistance provisions, the Delegation wished to see substantial progress made in that area. 关于制订提供技术援助的行为守则,代表团希望在该领域看到实质性的进展。
- The Board wishes to work closely with the Independent Commission Against Corruption to produce a code of conduct for directors and employees of the Company. 董事局希望能与廉政公署紧密合作,为公司董事和职员制定一套行为守则。
- In its interim report on the causes and consequences of the credit crisis, the IIF promised a code of conduct for better self-regulation of the industry in future. 国际金融协会在其有关信贷危机成因及后果的初步报告中承诺,它将在未来制订一份加强行业自律的行为守则。
- The sport has a strict code of conduct. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。
- If accompanied by Party-wide ideological and political work,propaganda through the mass media and education in the schools,these regulations and decrees can form a common code of conduct for the whole Party,the army and the people. 必要的法律设施,加上全党的思想政治工作、报刊宣传和学校教育的配合,就可以形成全党全军全民的共同行动准则。
- It could include codes of conduct for owners of cats,dogs,horses,rabbits and birds. 它还包括猫、狗、马、兔、鸟的饲养者所遵循的行为规范。
- The code of conduct for medical professionals require that they treat all patients as equals. Now,given the doctor's testimony,how can one still rest assured that his right to medical care and treatment won't be affected by his nationality or colour? 医生守则应该会提醒医者对病人一视同仁,他这么一表态,我们该相信自己的国籍和肤色不会减少或影响自己受到医药照顾的权益吗?
- It could include codes of conduct for owners of cats, dogs, horses, rabbits and birds. 它还包括猫、狗、马、兔、鸟的饲养者所遵循的行为规范。
- That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors. 城镇的那部分对游客完全没有吸引力。
- African nations may have to institute a code of conduct for farmland purchases by foreigners seeking to secure their own food supplies, according to a World Bank official, Reuters reported. 据路透社援引世界银行官员的说法,针对他国购买非洲农田以确保本国粮食安全的买卖行为,非洲国家必须订立管理规范。