- His desire for freedom found expression in the French Revolution. 他对自由的渴望之情在法国革命中表现出来了。
- Clubs in the French Revolution 论法国大革命中的俱乐部
- There's a disco in the club in the hotel. 在旅馆的夜总会里有一个迪斯科舞厅。
- The French are staying in the hotel over there . 法国客人就住在那边的旅馆。
- Is there a Health Club in the hotel? 饭店有健身俱乐部吗?
- Peter claims to be an expert on football, although asking him to name all the clubs in the first division put him to the test. 彼得自称是足球专家,然而请他说出第一选举区的全部俱乐部时却使他为难了。
- Second, Sets up the branch in the French Paris. 二、在法国巴黎设立分会。
- They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city. 他们穿街走巷,在城市的小俱乐部里演奏。
- He acted his part very well in the French drama. 他在这出法国戏剧中演得很成功。
- I also take an interest in the local sports clubs in the area. 我也对该地区的当地体育俱乐部感兴趣。
- There're lots of good bars and clubs in the Haidian area. 偶和几个朋友去了海淀的一家俱乐部.;那是一家很好的酒吧,音乐很棒
- He used to go to the groggery and night club in the town. 他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。
- Who scored his first goal for the club in the above game? 在以上的比赛中,谁打进了自己的首个俱乐部进球?
- But I hope there is Toastmaster Club in the city I work in. 这突然的冷幽默让我差点笑倒: “Yes; I am sure with the location.
- "If Robbie is fit, he could play for any club in the world. 如果罗比身体健康,他能够为世界上任何俱乐部效力。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- He was used to go to the groggery and night club in the town. 他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。