- Clonorchis sinensis cercariae 肝吸虫囊蚴
- ObjectiveTo analyze genes of Fab antibodies against Clonorchis sinensis CAg. 目的 对获得的抗华支睾吸虫循环抗原Fab抗体克隆进行基因分析。
- Objective To survey the Clonorchis sinensis infection status in Shuikou Town. 目的了解开平市水口镇人体华支睾吸虫感染状况。
- Method Clonorchis sinensis eggs in feces were detected by Kato Katy thick smear methods. 方法采用改良加藤氏厚涂片法粪检水口镇东方红村和黎村人群华支睾吸虫卵。
- The mode of infection with Clonorchis sinensis was feeding the raw or underdone fishes and shrimps. 加强卫生宣教,把住“病从口入”关是防止华支睾吸虫感染,控制华支睾吸虫病流行的有效措施。
- Objective To study the infection of freshwater fishes with the encysted metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis. 目的了解淡水鱼华支睾吸虫囊蚴感染情况。
- To investigate Clonorchis sinensis infection in the intermediate host and persons in rural areas of Dalian. 调查大连市华支睾吸虫感染情况。
- Results 491 people from 3 towns were investigated.The positive rate of Clonorchis sinensis of people was 48.27%. 结果本次共抽样调查2个县市的3个乡镇计491人;阳性率为48.;27%25。
- Objective To investigate the current prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis infection in the known endemic areas of China. 目的 了解我国华支睾吸虫病流行区的感染现状。
- The infection rates of Ascaris lumbbricoides,Trichuris trichiura,Hookworm,Clonorchis sinensis and pinworm were30.99%,14.70%,6.37%,0.56%and19.82%r... 应重视群体性药物防治、粪便的无害化管理、生活环境改善、健康教育等工作,才能有效控制寄生虫病。
- Objective To investigate the image characteristics and its diagnostic value for obstructive jaundice caused by Clonorchis sinensis. 目的探讨作者华支睾吸虫致胆道阻塞的影像表现及诊断价值。
- Objective To understand the situation of freshwater fishes infecte d with Clonorchis sinensis(Cs) in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province. 目的了解目前珠江三角洲淡水鱼华支睾吸虫感染情况。方法使用直接压片法和消化法对从顺德、南海、三水、广州和番禺等地采集的各种淡水鱼进行检查。
- Objective To survey the infection condition and epidemiological features of Clonorchis sinensis infection in Futian District of Shenzhen. 目的了解福田区华支睾吸虫感染现状和流行特征。
- Method Clonorchis sinensis specific antibodies in blood samples were detected by ELISA.People were interviewed with structured questionnaire. 方法用血清免疫学筛查,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法查抗体,同时进行问卷调查与华支睾吸虫感染相关的生活和行为方式。
- Objective To understand the current status of the Clonorchis sinensis infection in Zhaoqing city and to provide scientific basis for the future control work. 摘要目的了解肇庆市人群华支睾吸虫感染现状,为今后的防治工作提供依据。
- Objective To understand the situation of Clonorchis sinensis infection in the freshwater fishes and shrimps from Sanshui and Zhongshan of Guangdong Province. 目的为了解目前三水、中山两地淡水鱼虾华支睾吸虫的感染情况。方法使用直接压片法和消化法对从三水、中山两地采集的各种淡水鱼和虾进行检查。
- Objective To study the molecular phylogeny of Schistosoma japonicum , Clonorchis sinensis, Paragonimuswestermani, Fasciolahepal-ica and Fasciolopsisbuski. 目的研究日本血吸虫、卫氏并殖吸虫、华支睾吸虫、布氏姜片吸虫和肝片形吸虫分子系统发生学的关系。
- In recent years,a sort of substance alike Clonorchis sinensis eggs was frequently found in routinal examination of stools,making laboratory diagnosis difficult. 在近几年的粪便常规检验中,常发现有一种酷似华支睾吸虫卵样物质,给实验室诊断带来不便。