- Clonal test in nursery 苗期测定
- We're having an oral test in class this week. 这星期我们班有一次口试。
- The driving test in this country is very difficult. 这个国家的驾驶考试很难。
- Our teacher set us a stiff test in English. 老师对我们进行了很难的英语测验。
- We had a stiff test in the English class. 英语课上,我们进行了一场很难的考试。
- Shows the result of the test in a message box. 在消息框中显示该测试的结果。
- There is to be a test in the tenth week. 第十周将有一次考试。
- Today we'll have a test in the words. 今天我们要测验单词。
- They do have IQ test in China you know. 你知道在中国也有IQ测试的。
- The Reform of Standardized Test in the U.S. 美国标准化考试改革。
- Add a test in your code to check for validity. 在代码中添加测试,以检查有效性。
- Select the test in the Test View window. 在“测试视图”窗口中选择测试。
- A "clonal test" is an experiment in which rooted cuttings or grafted trees are planted according to a replicated design and measured after a period of years. 一个“无性系测定”试验是生根的插条或嫁接的树木按照重复设计栽植的,并在生长几年后进行测定。
- See the output of the example test in Listing 15-2. 列表15-2展示输出测试结果。
- They put daughter in nursery until one of them can pick her after work. 他们把女儿放在托儿所一直到其中一人下班可以去接她。
- Pass Machine Reasoning Test in 85% correctness. 以85%25的正确率通过机器推理测试。
- Miss Smith gave us a test in spelling. 史密斯小姐对我们进行了一次拼写测验。
- I relly aced out on that test in math. 我那次数学考试还真交上好运了。
- We had a good test in Silverstone. 我们在银石有一个圆满的测试。
- Beginning in nursery school, we were required to have a change of clothes in our cubbies at all times. 从幼儿园开始,我们就被教导自己的房间里始终要备有换洗衣服。