- Cleisostoma parishiin. 短茎隔距兰
- Dendrocalamus parishii (species no. 16) could not be included in the following key because its culm sheaths are not known. 并不的种。16)不能以以下音调包括不因为它的竿箨知道。
- scolopendrifolious cleisostoma herb 蜈蚣兰
- Cleisostoma longiopeculatumn. 长帽隔距兰
- Peristylus parishiin. 滇桂阔蕊兰
- paphiopedilum parishii 飘带兜兰
- Cleisostoma nangongensen. 南贡隔距兰
- Sect. Cleisostoman. 隔距兰组
- Dendrobium parishiin. 紫瓣石斛
- Dendrocalamus parishiin. 巴氏龙竹
- Cleisostoman. 隔距兰属
- Cleisostoma birmanicumn. 美花隔距兰
- Drynaria parishiin. 小槲蕨
- Hygrochilus parishiin. 湿唇兰
- Cleisostoma filiformen. 金塔隔距兰
- Cleisostoma fuerstenbergianumn. 长叶隔距兰
- Pronephrium parishiin. 羽叶新月蕨
- Vernonia parishiin. 滇缅斑鸠菊
- Cleisostoma medogensen. 西藏隔距兰
- Cleisostoma menghaiensen. 勐海隔距兰