- Cleared to land RVR (R/W visual range) 200m. 可以降落,跑道目视距离200米。
- Check wheels down and locked, cleared to land. 检查轮子放下锁好,可以降落。
- Three wheels down cleared to land. 三轮子放下,可以降落。
- Clear to land ,report vacated,CCA2715. 飞:可以落地,脱离报,国航2715。
- Space Shuttle Atlantis has been cleared to land next week. 亚斯兰蒂号航天飞机已确定于下周着陆。
- Wolf Recon, you are cleared to land at Aluce Bay 12. 狼侦察小组,你获许在阿路司12号湾降落。
- You are cleared to land at pilot's own discretion on the soft grass ground at east of the runway. 可以由机长自行决定在跑道东面柔软的草地降落。
- Cleared to land on the grass, it is paralleled to the active runway to the east. 可以在草地降落,它平行于使用跑道的东面。
- Cleared to land with higher approach speed, be sure not to land beyond the touch-down zone. 可以用稍大进场速度,注意落地时不要超出规定接地地带。
- You should be maintain 100m over inner marker, if the runway in your sight, you are cleared to land, otherwise pull up and go around. 你必须保持100米飞越近台,如能看见跑道可以降落,否则拉起复飞。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
- I didn't think to land myself in trouble. 我没想到会使自己陷入困境。
- He was lucky to land a good job. 他很幸运,找到一份好工作。
- I make it clear to him that I reject his proposal. 我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。
- The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely. 飞行员设法让受到破坏的飞机安全著陆。
- The ship sank clear to the bottom of the sea. 那艘船一直沈到海底。
- She makes clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house. 她使我们很清楚地了解到,她要自主处理自己的事情。
- 148、Cleared to land RVR (R/W visual range) 200m. 可以降落,跑道目视距离200米。
- He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel. 除非听人忠告有所收敛,他很有可能陷入麻烦。
- I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal. 我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。