- classic classified materia medica for emergency 经史证类备急本草
- Classic Classified Materia Medica for Emergencies 《经史证类备急本草》
- Discussion on Tang edition (TE) and notes of the Tang edition (NT) under the "ink cap" in Zheng lei ben cao (Classified Materia Medica) 《证类本草》“墨盖”下引“唐本”“唐本注”讨论
- Classified Materia Medica 《证类本草》
- Selections of Chinese materia medica used in Guangxi. 广西本草选编。
- Pocket Atlas of Differentiation of Chinese Materia Medica II. 袖珍中药材鉴别图谱2。
- In materia medica you'll learn how to figure out doses and prepare medicines. 在药物学课上你会学会怎样计算出药的剂量和配制药。
- Materia Medica Research and Clinical Application of Plumbago Zeylanica L. 白花丹的药学研究与临床应用概述。
- One of the required subjects in a course of nursing is known as materia medica. 培养护士过程中必修课之一是药物学。
- Notes from the Compendium of Materia Medica "Liang, licorice, is Beiqi. 本草纲目注名的“梁外甘草,正北芪。”
- According to Compendium of Materia Medica, garlic has antibacterial function that strengthens the body's immune system. 具杀菌作用。根据《本草纲目》,大蒜含杀菌及增强抵抗力的作用。
- Whose edible and medicinal effects have been seen in Compendium of material Medica and Shennong Materia Medica. 竹笋的食用,药用价值可见于《神农本草》、本草纲目》。
- Fingerprint of Chinese materia medica and research methods of quality standard for Ganoderma spp. 中药指纹图谱与灵芝质量标准研究方法。
- A coloured atlas of the Chinese materia medica specified in pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China II. 中华人民共和国药典中药彩色图集2。
- Now, there are many Flora and local Flora and records of materia medica embodying it, and its function is similar with motherwort. 现在许多地方药物志、植物志和中草药中均有收载,功用与益母草相似。
- The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published. 《本草纲目》问世之后,深受人们的推崇。
- Objective:To analyze the relevant factors cont ributing to ARDs of the Chinese Materia Medica Injections. 目的:探讨中药注射剂致不良反应发生的相关因素。
- The Society of Chinese Materia Medica also showcases "folk medicinal herbs" at the show. 香港花卉展览今日(三月十六日)起在维多利亚公园举行。
- The niche covered by this series is the interphase between ethnomedicine and modern 'Materia medica'. 它所覆盖的话题是民族药物与现代药物之间的界面。
- It offers a reference of macroporous resin in the research of Chinese medicine and Chinese materia medica preparatine. 为今后利用大孔树脂技术在中药研究和中药制剂中的应用提供参考。