- civil service selection board [法] 文官考选委员会
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service. 她希望获得一份公职。
- On the Advantages and Disadvantages Between the System of Recommendation of and Examination in Ancient Chinese Civil Service Selection 试析我国古代荐举与科举选官制的利弊
- My father pull a few string to get me into the civil service. 我父亲凭藉一些私人关系把我弄到政府机关任职。
- He have a job in the civil service. 他在行政机构工作。
- Civil service pension si index- link. 文职人员退休金是与生活指数挂钩。
- A: I'm taking the civil service exam next month. 我下个月要参加公职考试。
- He's got a safe job in the civil service. 他在政府的文职部门有一份很安定的工作。
- The UPS Rates Service Selection tool is available in XML format. UPS运费及服务选择工具提供XML格式。
- A military, naval, or civil service rank. 官阶陆军,海军或文职服务的区别
- One source of recruitment is the civil service. 政府文职部门是招聘的部门之一。
- He has a job in the civil service. 他在行政机构工作。
- She works in the civil service.; She works for the civil service. 她在政府文职机关工作。
- The Selection Board is expected to meet towards the end of October 2007 to select the general contractor. 遴选委员会预计将于2007年10月底之前举行会议,择定总承包商。
- She had been groomed for a career in the civil service. 她受过公务员职业培训。
- Malcolm has a soft job somewhere in the civil service. 马尔科姆在某处行政机构获得一份轻松的工作。
- Mark's in for an administrative job in the Civil Service. 马克想谋一个公务行政职务。
- He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door. 他利用那些有权有势的朋友帮助他走后门,到政府行政部门任职。
- He and his able associates strengthened the Civil Service. 他和他能干的同事们加强了文官制度。