- Cipo Canasteron. 西波卡纳灶鸟
- Until CIPO can integrate CPOR notices into this page, the notices will be available under Notices published in the Canadian Patent Office Record. 公告将在CPOR出版的公告下有效,直到CIPO能整合CPOR通知书到这个网页。
- To this end, CIPO attended the Asia-IP Office Forum in New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation-Intellectual Property Experts Group (APEC-IPEG) meetings held in Viet Nam and Mexico. 为此目的,CIPO参加了在新西兰举办的亚洲知识产权局论坛,并参加了在越南和墨西哥召开的亚太经合组织知识产权专家组(APEC-IPEG)会议。
- Berlepsch's Canasteron. 伯利氏卡纳雀
- Austral Canasteron. 南方卡纳雀
- Patagonian Canasteron. 巴塔卡纳雀
- Cipo 奇波
- Short-billed Canasteron. 短嘴卡纳雀
- Streak-throated Canasteron. 纹喉卡纳雀
- Line-fronted Canasteron. 绒额卡纳雀
- Pale-tailed Canasteron. 苍尾卡纳灶鸟
- Rusty-fronted Canasteron. 锈额卡纳雀
- Dusky-tailed Canasteron. 乌尾卡纳雀
- Scribble-tailed Canasteron. 乱尾卡纳雀
- Creamy-breasted Canasteron. 乳白胸卡纳雀
- Cactus Canasteron. 仙人掌卡纳雀
- Many-striped Canasteron. 多纹卡纳雀
- Lesser Canasteron. 小卡纳雀
- Canyon Canasteron. 峡谷卡纳雀
- Dark-winged Canasteron. 暗翅卡纳灶鸟