- Keywords camphor tree(Cinnamomun camphora(L.)Presl);fruit;edible pigment;stability; 樟树;果实;食用色素;提取;稳定性;
- The analysis report of the essential oil from the leaves of Cinnamomun Camphora var. Linaloolifera with high linalool content and its young plant cultivated by tissue culture 纯种芳樟及其组培苗叶油的分析报告
- Cinnamomun camphora (L.) Presl 樟树
- Cinnamomun camphora 樟树
- Cinnamomum camphora ( Linn. ) P. 樟树
- Cinnamomum camphora (Linn) Preslis, a fine tree in garden greening. 摘要香樟是优良的园林绿化树种。
- Objective To clone new panallergen genes from pollen of Cinnamomum camphora. 目的从樟树花粉中克隆泛变应原基因。
- Have found a few days ago toon, nanmu, camphora,青杠, trees, etc.Maliuchang. 日前所发现的有红椿、楠木、香樟、青杠、麻 柳等树木。
- Neonate larvae were fed leaves of Liquidambar formosana Hance and Cinnamomum camphora Presl. 本研究目的在探讨这两种水青蛾对枫香及樟树的取食及利用之情形。
- The contents of camphora, mentholum, isoborneol and borneol in Guanxingao are determined by gas chromatography. 用气相色谱法测定了冠心膏中樟脑、薄荷脑、异龙脑和龙脑的含量。
- A study on the peroxidase isoenzymes in the different types of Cinnamomum camphora. 不同类型樟树的过氧化物酶同工酶的研究.
- S.Wang) Keng f species, the maximum index was Cinnamomum camphora (Linn) Presd and the next was Derpanostachyun luodianense (Yi et R.S. 结果表明,在小蓬竹群落中,对小蓬竹干扰指数最大是猴樟,其次是小蓬竹本身。
- The aquatic plants including metasequoia, camphora, acacia, hibiscus mutabilis and oleander, and native trees are iris, shuicong and reed. 水杉、香樟、金合欢、木芙蓉、夹竹桃等本土乔木,菖蒲、鸢尾、水葱、芦苇等水生本土植物将大量运用于绿化中。
- My school is very beautiful, the door has a large camphor tree, Cinnamomum camphora regardless of cold, green, green all year round. 我的学校十分美丽,门口有一颗大樟树,樟树不论严寒,一年四季都是碧绿碧绿的。
- The extraction method of flavonoid in Cinnamomum camphora leaves was studied with different ways.The optimum extracting process was put forwad. 通过各种方法提取香樟叶中的黄酮类化合物,比较不同提取方法的提取效率及提取物中黄酮类化合物的含量,从而得到最佳的提取方法。
- Result showed that VOCS released from 8 kinds of plant leaves had better inhibition effect on the strains,which were Cinnamomun camphorn L,Podocaarpus macrophyllus,Nerium indicum Mill,Euonym... 从环境生态学的角度来看,选择抑菌、杀菌作用强的树种作为高校的绿化树种,有利于绿色高校建设。
- It was a rare morning frost, fields and houses, like a thin layer of fine snow villages of bamboo and evergreen trees is a white camphora. 那是个罕见的霜晨,田野和房屋上像下了一层薄薄的细雪村庄的竹林和常青的香樟树上也是一片白色。
- Green belt main plant camphora, Cedar, Magnolia and other evergreen shrubs, lush, like the people at the Evergreen Plaza, the external pull up the "hand. 绿化带主要种植香樟、雪松、白玉兰及其他常绿灌木,郁郁葱葱的,像在人民广场外围拉起了长青的"手"。
- The results showed the extracts of the leaves from Cinnamomum camphora exhibited strong antioxidant activities on lard,which increased with raising the addition amount ofthe ... 结果表明:香樟叶片黄酮提取物具有明显的抗氧化效果,且抗氧化性随添加量的增加而增强。
- Definition: Natural borneol is the crystal produced from the flash branches and leaves of Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl (Fam.Lauraceae) by steam distillation. 本品为樟科植物樟 Cinnamomum camphora (L.;) Sieb