- This deciduous cypress could be seen at the parking lot outside Elizabeth Luce Moore Library of Chung Chi College. 这颗落羽松生长于崇基学院牟路思怡图书馆旁停车场。
- It is the first student hostel in Chung Chi College which provides single rooms. 是崇基学院首间提供单人房间之学生宿舍。
- For Chung Chi College students, the following are required. COLLEGE REQUIRED COURSES. 目前崇基学院学生必须修读下列规定或设计之科目。
- Some of the students activities are organized by the Chung Chi College Student Union and student societies. 学院一向注重学生群育活动,以培育学生之领导及组织能力。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949),Chung Chi College (1951) and United College (1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- Since The Divinity School of Chung Chi College is a privately funded unit in The University, this project will also be privately funded. 由于崇基学院神学院乃自行筹款单位,故是项工程也不会获得大学资助。
- Chung Chi undergraduates residing in a Chung Chi student hostel Substantial service at hostels, good academic performance with financial needs. 学业成绩良好、有经济需要及对学院学生活动,特别是舍堂活动有突出贡献之同学。
- All matters related to the hostels are managed by the Chung Chi College Student Hostels Committee and the wardens of the respective hostels. 学生宿舍之一切事宜,由学生宿舍委员会处理;各宿舍均有舍监,负责该宿舍之管理事宜。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949), Chung Chi College (1951) and United College (1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949),Chung Chi College (founded in 1951) and United College (founded in 1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- The Resource Centre is located on the ground floor of the Chung Chi College Administration Building where the non-book reference materials and reference catalogue are kept. 资料中心位于崇基学院行政楼地下,储存资料目录、非书籍类资料、视听资料,并设有各种视听器材,供师生使用。
- The award is based on financial need, academic merit and contribution to the community life in the Divinity School of Chung Chi College and the College. 一位对崇基学院及崇基学院神学院之活动,积极参与并有经济需要,有志于毕业后而从事神职工作者。
- CUHK was established in 1963 by amalgamating New Asia College (founded in 1949), Chung Chi College (founded in 1951) and United College (founded in 1956). 香港中文大学在一九六三年成立,由新亚(一九四九年创立)、崇基(一九五一年创立)和联合(一九五六年创立)三所书院组成。
- Miss Susanna Cheung attained her Bachelor of Education (Hons) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was awarded with scholarships from Longman and Chung Chi College. 张美娟小姐毕业于香港中文大学,取得语文教育荣誉学士学位,并获朗文出版社及祟基书院颁发奖学金。
- Dr.Philip Shen, former head of Chung Chi College and dean of the Faculty of Arts at CUHK, passed away on 5th August 2004 at his home in Claremont, Los Angeles.He was 73. 前崇基学院院长、前文学院院长沈宣仁教授于二零零四年八月五日在美国洛杉矶克利蒙住所辞世,享年七十三岁。
- Or Department of Music Rm. 201, Hui Yeung Shing Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T.. Applicants may also request application materials by mail. 申请表格可于新界沙田香港中文大学教研楼一座四楼研究院院务室、或崇基书院许让成楼201室音乐系索取,亦可以邮寄方式索取,详情请参阅研究院的。
- The Board of the Seminary which was formed by representatives from the supporting churches planned for the construction of the Theology Building on the campus of the Chung Chi College. 其校董会亦由各合作教会之代表所组成,并计划在崇基学院内兴建神学楼。
- The University Council has appointed Prof.Leung Yuen Sang, professor of history, as Head of Chung Chi College for a period of four years from 1st August 2004, succeeding Prof.Rance P.L.Lee. 大学校董会委任历史学讲座教授梁元生教授继李沛良教授出任崇基学院院长,任期四年,由二零零四年八月一日起生效。
- Spectators cheered at his KO punch. 观众为他击倒对手的一击而喝采。
- He was KO'd (ie knocked out) in the second round. 他在第二回合中被击倒。