- Chu Cheng, on account of childbearing health, was against early marriage and early childbearing, but for late marriage. 褚澄从生育健康角度出发,反对早婚早育,主张晚婚;
- The main species are pine, spruce, fir, Cheng Chi, Euptelea, Cercidiphyllum, and so on. 主要品种有红松、云杉、冷杉、赤桦、领春木、连香树等。
- They are Han Wu Emperor change event, the event of Wang Mang usurp Han dynasty, Chang Chu Cheng change event, and Wu Hsu change event. 基于此原因,本研究的研究目的为,利用管理领域之变革管理理论及复杂适应系统理论,重新解读中国古代变法,并检验理论的适用性。
- Therefore, Shoucheng cheng chi soldiers will move to build on the east side comparison Xianyao and Linhe terrain of the mountain. 故守城将士又将城池迁筑于东面地势比较险要而又临河的山口处。
- Concerning the sequence of coitus and life, Chu Cheng pointed out that the production of fetus is the result of coagulation of paternal essence and maternal blood. 对于男女媾精而产生生命的具体过程,褚澄指出:胎儿的生成在于父精母血的凝聚,应做到男子惜精,女子益血,方能通过交合而达到孕育的目的。
- Pray for Chu S Cheng's recovery from surgery. 请为郑薛珠嫦姊妹手术后康复祷告。
- Michael Cheng Chi Shun 郑智信(1941-),澳门人,香港工程师。
- Yi (Athena Chu), also a new member of the ICAC, was so aggressive that she always challenged Chi. 儿(朱茵)为新加入之调查员,好胜刚强,常与志互争表现。
- Somehow, CHU loses money because of CHI, so he agrees to work for her to compensate her loss. 慈累珠失去银两,只有替她工作以还债,期间还帮助她侦破多宗悬案。
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- Ride: from Taitung to take tripod passenger Chulu East, Chi Chu Lu Bu to the next station. 搭车:由台东搭乘鼎东客运往初鹿、池卜至初鹿站下。
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齐是一个古老的人类国家。
- After a moment Chu Kuei-ying followed him out. 朱桂英跟着也就出去。
- Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。
- Chen Yueh-ngo and Chu Kuei-ying were both there. 陈月娥和朱桂英都在。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- So began the pursuit of the Chi troops. 遂逐齐师。
- Chu Yinchiu sighed and turned to Chou Chung-wei. 朱吟秋松一口气,对周仲伟说道:
- Seeing him get up, Chu Yin-chiu followed suit. 朱吟秋也学着样。
- This sad tale came from Chu Yin-chiu. 朱吟秋也来发牢骚了。