- We had long ago given up the poignant Christmas services, but now, under pressure, we sat rigid in the front pew, fighting back tears. 我们很久没去做过那令人心碎的圣诞礼拜了,但现在,在孙女的强求之下,我们坐在前排长凳上,一动不动,努力控制着泪水。
- Immediately before Christmas, there are many Christmas services at churches, at which Christmas hymns and Christmas carols are sung. 在平和夜和圣诞节,特别的侍奉还会包括一场子夜弥撒,或者是一场基督诞生的弥撒。
- It is rough on him to work at Christmas. 他很倒楣,在耶诞节还要工作。
- Shops are overcrowded before Christmas. 商店在圣诞节前非常拥挤。
- They decorated the Christmas tree with tinsel. 他们用亮金属片装饰圣诞树。
- What will they do on Christmas Eve? 他们在圣诞夜将做什么事?
- He got absolutely sozzled at the Christmas party. 他在圣诞节聚会上烂醉如泥。
- How will you pass your Christmas holiday? 你打算怎样度过圣诞假日?
- Business is always brisk before Christmas. 圣诞节前生意总是很兴隆。
- This box is crammed with Christmas gifts. 这个盒子里塞满了圣诞礼物。
- The Queen requited his services with a knighthood. 女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士。
- We bought some ornaments for the Christmas tree. 我们买了一些装饰品来点缀圣诞树。
- The trains don't run on Christmas Day. 圣诞节火车停驶。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。
- Train services have been cut to the bone. 列车车次已大幅度减少。
- He preaches the same sermon every Christmas. 他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨。
- He received generous remuneration for his services. 他因服务而得到优厚的报酬。
- They get together once a year at Christmas time. 他们每年圣诞节时聚会一次。
- She put some decorations on the Christmas tree. 她在圣诞树上放了一些装饰品。