- Chris Reeve Green Beret Signed 绿色贝蕾帽签名版
- Men who mean just what they say,The brave men of the Green Beret. 这群忠肝义胆的军人,正是英勇的绿扁帽战士。
- Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper. 控制绿色贝雷帽,间谍,狙击手和工兵。
- Men who fight by night and day,Courage picked from the Green Beret. 日以继夜、奋勇杀敌,全靠绿扁帽赐予勇气。
- A Green Beret. 绿色贝雷帽
- This is my grandson who is a Green Beret in the Amy Special Forces.This was taken in Afghanistan. 这是我的孙子(要求匿名),(美国)陆军特种部队的一个绿色贝雷帽。
- Green Beret's most critical tool is their mind but they also use the most advanced equipment and support teams to complete their missions. 特种部队最关键的武器是他们的头脑,但是他们也使用最先进的装备,为团队完成任务提供保障。
- A local broadsheet discovered last autumnthat he had misrepresented his Vietnammilitary record and was not a Green Beret, as he had claimed. 去年秋天,当地的一家大版面的报纸揭露他慌报他在越战时期的战果,他也不是如他所宣称的曾是美国特种部队的成员。
- Here young men learn the skills of guerrilla warfighting and embark on a year long journey to wear the coveted green beret. 年轻人在这里学习游击战技,经过一年的训练,就可以戴上渴望已久的绿色贝雷帽。
- In general the Green Beret had low cutting and chopping ability, poor edge retention, ease of sharpening, grip ergonmics and overall durability. 总体上讲绿贝雷的切割和劈砍能力都比较弱,刀锋保持能力较差,不易磨利,握柄的人体工学和刀的总体耐久度也不太行。
- We were still time at Green Berets originally! 当初我们还在特种部队的时候!
- A former Green Beret who served in Vietnam, Alexander went on to a number of national security jobs, and rubbed shoulders with prominent military and political leaders. 曾是越战期间的“绿色贝雷帽”特种部队的成员,Alexander就任过一系列国家安全工作,并且与重要的军事和政治领导关系亲密。
- Beside his experience with aircraft and armor, the General is a Master Parachutist, a Ranger and has earned the coveted "Green Beret" as a commander of Army special forces units during and after the Vietnam War. 当在越南战争结束时及结束后,他是陆军特殊军队的指挥官时,赢得一顶想了很久的“贝雷帽”。
- Green Berets, those convicted of everyone through this stage as a candidate. 绿色贝雷帽裁定那些通过这阶段的人皆为候选人。
- Hello? May I speak to Chris, please? 喂?请克里斯听电话。
- immediately , the green beret says "no sir! 立刻,绿色的贝雷帽说 "没有先生!
- CQC - close quarters combat, huh. I've been in the Green Berets for the past few years. I'm probably pretty rusty. CQC-近身格斗术,前几年我在绿色贝雷服役,都荒废得差不多了。
- Chris Evert and Guillermo Vilas signed sponsorship agreements with ELLESSE. 克里斯.;伊夫德(ChrisEvert)和圭勒莫?维拉斯亦同ELLESSE签署赞助合约。
- The teams are likely to include Green Berets, U.S.Army commandos who specialize in advising foreign troops. 特种部队包括绿色贝雷部队,专用于辅助海外派兵。
- Green Berets organize, assist and train the military and national defense forces of foreign nations. 特种部队组织并帮助训练外国的军队和国防部队。