- Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves 希伯来奴隶的合唱
- The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来语字母表中的第十个字母
- The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来第四个字母希伯来语字母表中的第四个字母
- The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来文首字母希伯来文字母表的第一个字母
- The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. 希伯来圣经中的最初五卷
- The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来语字母表中的第五个字母
- The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来字母表的第八个字母
- The third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 希伯来字母中的第三个字母
- The programme opened with the chorus of the old artists. 节目以老艺术家们的合唱开始。
- A manner or custom characteristic of the Hebrews. 希伯来人的习俗希伯来人的方式或风俗
- A chorus of boos rang out from the audience. 听众发出一阵嘘声。
- The cicada is stilled.The chorus of the cricket and katydid diminishes. 秋蝉安静下来,蟋蟀和蚱蜢的合唱声减弱。
- The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval. 大家对该建议异口同声表示赞成.
- His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries. 当宣布他获得胜利的时候,人们一齐发出轻蔑的呸声。
- Soon the rest of the class was streaming in, and a chorus of similar comments could be heard. 很快,班上其他的同学陆续进来,类似的评价也不绝于耳。
- From the marsh at the head of the pond came the clear, mournfully sweet chorus of the frogs. 从池塘上游的沼泽地里传来甜蜜而悲伤的青蛙大合唱,听得清楚极了。
- Possibly Beethoven's greatest work, almost everyone knows the "Ode to Joy" chorus of the final movement. 这可能是贝多芬最伟大的作品,几乎所有人都知道末乐章的"欢乐颂"大合唱。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- A chorus of voices greet this with assent. 众人异口同声表示赞成。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。