- Chlamydomonas ovalisn. 卵形衣藻
- For example, Chlamydomonas are the majority of species. 例如衣藻属中的大多数种类。
- Such as Chlamydomonas are in the minority categories. 如衣藻属中的少数种类。
- The limbus of the fossa ovalis represents the edge of the septum secundum fused with the septum primum. 出生后,肺循环开始,左心房压力增大,致使两个隔膜紧密相贴并逐渐愈合,卵圆孔封闭,左、右心房完全分隔。
- Zygote meiosis can be observed with fresh-water algae Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra, Chara for assistant materials. 淡水产衣藻属、水绵属及轮藻属可作为观察合子型减数分裂的辅助材料。
- In Chlamydomonas it is just inside the chloroplast;in Euglena it is near the base of the flagellum. 眼点的位置各不相同,在衣藻中,它位于叶绿体内,在裸藻中眼点临近鞭毛基部。
- To decrease the oxygen content in the cell is a key method to improve hydrogen production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 降低细胞内的氧气含量是提高莱茵衣藻产氢效率的重要手段之一。
- Fossa Ovalis -- Oval depression in the wall of the heart remaining when the foramen ovale closes at birth (See patent foramen ovale). 卵窝:胚胎发育时原先的卵形孔关闭后在心房隔膜上留下的卵形小坑遗迹。
- Chlamydomonas divides frequently and forms two individuals where before there was one. 衣藻经常分裂,原先为一个而分为两个个体。
- The density and biomass of phytoplankton vary distinctly in diurnal and vertical dynamics mainly because of flagellate, such as C. ovalis. 浮游植物数量和生物量存在着明显的周日和垂直变化。
- In this system Chlamydomonas is used as the experimental material, and its flagellum microtubules are the test targets. 测试了10种不同的抗肿瘤药物(细胞毒和非细胞毒的药物)对衣藻鞭毛重组的影响。
- We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas. 我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。
- That keeps Chlamydomonas from wasting resources during hard times, increasing its likelihood of reproducing over the long haul. 这使衣藻在资源匮乏时减少浪费,并在长远的时间里增加了他们繁衍后代的机会。
- A bioassay test was conducted to examine the allelopathic effect of the sterilized seedlings on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 用生物检测法测试无菌苗对衣藻的克制效应。
- Various other forms exist in the algae, e. g. spiral in Spirogyra, stellate in Zygnema, and cup-shaped in Chlamydomonas. 特别是在藻类的叶绿体差异更大,例如在水绵Spirogyra中是螺旋状的,在双星藻属Zygnema中是星状的,在衣藻Chlamydomonas中是杯状的。
- Nevertheless, it has recently been shown in experiments with Chlamydomonas algae that sex can remove the speed limit on evolution. 然而,最近以衣藻为材料的实验表明,有性生殖可以移除对进化的速度限制。
- Either of two deciduous trees(Carya glabra or C. ovalis) of the eastern United States,having pinnately compound leaves,male flowers grouped in catkins,and nuts with somewhat bitter kernels. 光滑山核桃树美国东部的两种落叶树的一种(山核桃属光滑山核桃或山核桃属甜山核桃),长有羽状的复叶、以柔苇花序聚集的雄花和核略有苦味的果实。
- The resuits show that UV-B radiation is lethal for Chlamydomonas nivalis, and that the contents of chlorophyll, carotenoid and astaxanthin increase after the radiation. 结果表明,UV-B辐射对极地雪藻具有一定的致死效应,UV-B辐射后雪藻细胞的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量增加,虾青素含量也显著提高。
- Dolgoma ovalis sp. nov.n. 圆朵苔蛾;新种
- The Chlamydomonas gene works on the “ON” cells only but it is thought that a protein from a separate microorganism might eventually restore “OFF” cells. 藻类基因只作用于“开启细胞”,但有人认为来自另外一种微生物的蛋白质能够重新逐渐建立“关闭细胞”。