- Birds had begun to chirp among the trees. 鸟儿们已经开始在树林里叽叽喳喳地叫了。
- Birds had begun to chirp and twitter among the trees. 鸟儿开始在树丛中啁啾鸣啭。
- At night the crickets chirp in the woods. 夜里蟋蟀在林中唧唧地叫。
- The birds chirp merrily at the top of tree. 鸟儿在枝头欢快地啾啾鸣唱。
- To make a faint, shrill sound or sounds; chirp. 啁啾发出唧唧的尖叫声;啁啾
- To make a faint,shrill sound or sounds; chirp. 啁啾发出唧唧的尖叫声;啁啾
- Play chirp the time of played chirp in ms. 播放声音播放的短促声波的时间,以毫秒表示。
- Is it for those that chirp, those that sizzle? 然而唧唧的呢?息息的呢?
- All of a sudden become a quiet classroom chirp up. 安静的教室顿时变得叽叽喳喳起来。
- To chirp or whistle, as a bird does. 唧唧喳喳地叫象鸟类似地尖叫
- UWB Global programmes bring our expertise to you, wherever you are. 无论您在何处,都可以通过在线学习环境享受班戈大学的专业课程。
- Cassegrain dual reflector antenna for UWB high power microwave[J]. 引用该论文 廖勇;谢平;陆巍;陈志刚;杨周炳;孟凡宝;周海京.
- The sparrows chirp outside the window every morning. 麻雀每天清晨在窗外嘁嘁喳喳地叫。
- A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。
- Only male cicadas chirp in late summer, and early autumn. 只有雄性的寒蝉在夏末秋初时鸣叫。
- Now it is clearing up,and a sparrow is beginning to chirp. 现在天就要晴了,一只麻雀已开始喳喳地叫。
- Lancaster, Calif, UWB Radar has potential to deteer stealth aircraft. 超宽带雷达探测隐身飞机的潜力
- Birds have begun to chirp and twitter among the trees . 鸟儿开始在树丛中啁啾鸣啭
- A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp. 唧唧声象小鸟发出的轻轻的尖叫声;啁啾声
- Now it is clearing up, and a sparrow is beginning to chirp. 现在天就要晴了,一只麻雀已开始喳喳地叫。