- Chinese source text 华语文本
- Returns the source text of the code item. 返回代码项的源文本。
- The report cited an unnamed South Korean diplomat in Beijing who said he got the information from a Chinese source. 这家报纸援引一位没有透露姓名的驻北京大使馆南韩外交官的话说,他从中国的一个消息来源得到上述消息。
- Translating is translating the meaning of the source text( ST) into the target text( TT). 翻译就是在目标语文本中再现源语文本的意义。
- Unformatted source text is stored in the same system tables, in the columns proc_defn, trigger_defn, and view_defn. 未格式化的源文本存储在相同系统表中的proc_defn、trigger_defn和view_defn列内。
- Haw to deal with the untranslatability and maintian the cultural information of source text as much as possible is a question that every translator tries to find answer to. 如何突破这种不可译性,并使文化信息在翻译中的走失量减少到最小,是所有翻译工作者都在努力探索的问题。
- Use the Hyperlinks palette to associate each destination with source text or graphics. 使用超级链接板块来把每个链接点连接到源文档或者图表。
- Writing links the needs of the source text and content at the page for visitors concisely and引见pointing page. 链接源头文字的写作需要和指向页的内容相关,为访问者言简意赅地引见指向页。
- Translating takes the source text as its starting point and the target text as its destination. 进而通过举例分析、比较原文文本和目标文本的前文本、元文本的不同,提出目标文本只不过是原文文本的一种特殊互文本。
- In some languages, for example, PL/1 and C, the external file from which the compiler reads source text during the compilation of a program. 某些语言,如pl/和C中的一种外部文件,在程序编译期间,编译程序要从此外部文件中读源程序正文。
- To achieve fidelity or transmigration of translation, a translater should retain the intention and context of the source text as the measure of translation. 要保持译文与原文在内容与形式上一致,应该以原文作者的意图和实际语境作为取舍的标准。
- Our predominance is hang the Japanese technique and Chinese source together as our own system on management and technique, and supply full-scale service as layout design,resolvent and manufacture. 公司的优势在与把日本的技术与中国的资源合理结合,形成公司独特的经营技术管理体系,从而为客户提供从企划设计,解决方案到制造加工全程商品服务。
- It is highly important to understand the source text in the subject field in order to translate it properly into target languages. 为了将原文正确翻译为目标语言,深刻理解原文的相关领域是非常重要的。
- Basically, this is a nested structure that simply gives the character offsets where every production was matched in the source text. 这基本上是一个嵌套结构,它只是给出了每个产品在源文本中匹配的字符偏移量。
- The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text. 在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。
- Chinese sources say the decision to send the world's most advanced destroyers to the area reflects the Pentagon's intention to keep on pressing China in the South China Sea. 中国方面的消息说,美国派遣世界上最先进的驱逐舰前往该海域的决定表明了五角大楼继续在南中国海向中国施压。
- There is a cultural turn in translation studies, which requires translation should mirror the foreignness of the source text in the target one. 翻译研究已从传统的语言比较研究转向文化视域中的文化翻译研究。 翻译应像一面镜子反映出源语语言文化中的异国情调。
- If Chinese sources were stripped from the food-industry supply chain, corporations would simply turn to other low-cost exporters, with comparably poor safety records. 如果把中国从食品工业的供应链中剔除的话,各企业只会转向其他低成本的出口商,而相对来说他们的食品安全记录更加糟糕。
- Many Chinese sources have corroborated reports that torture is routinely used to extract confessions or other information for criminal cases, the committee said. 中国声称,去年已经修补法律以保证律师与疑犯见面的权利,并且在国家法律中规定,不承认非法取证,不允许严刑逼供,并且在审讯室列安装了监控器。
- If you want to nitpick, you can say that the source text only says “operate in harmony”;it did not say “follow the rules of. 社会之所以衰退,其根源就在于人们的愚蠢行为违背了正确的原则。