- Chinese parasol tree hill and rich resources. 梧桐山的动植物资源非常丰富。
- Summer, the Chinese parasol tree lively. 夏天的梧桐树活泼的。
- Spring, the Chinese parasol tree is a magician. 春天的梧桐树是一位魔术师。
- Chinese parasol trees stand with drizzle, at dusk, drops by drops. 梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏、点点滴滴。
- Chinese parasol tree that was put on new clothes stroll. 那梧桐树换上那浓绿的新装。
- Chinese parasol trees perching phoenix, deep pool hiding dragons. 梧桐栖凤,塘渊卧龙。
- Chinese parasol tree, front, but still vibrant look. 楼前一排梧桐,倒是依旧生气勃勃的模样。
- Coupled with the two Chinese parasol tree house, the yard many shady and cool. 加上屋前的两棵梧桐,院子里荫凉了许多。
- The poets expressed their feelings with the natural characteristics of the shape, color, and feature of Chinese Parasol tree. 有的传承古义,体现其文化内涵,有的又抓住其形、其色、其性等方面的自然特征,抒发创作人的情思。
- Chinese parasol tree hill peaks and ridges rise, vegetation is lush, had its "peak Xiuba" majestic appearance are classified as "Xin'an historic" one. 梧桐山峰峦起伏、植被茂密,曾以其“山峰秀拔”的雄姿被列为“新安八景”之一。
- Chinese parasol tree garden has now start, Leisure Garden, New World Plaza, New Square, a large commercial and residential areas in Asia. 目前全镇已有梧桐花园、康乐花园、新世界广场、新亚洲广场等多个大型商住区。
- Home iron window is full of white flowers on the Chinese parasol trees, the morning will still be there singing turtledove. 家里的铁窗外是开满白色小花的梧桐树,早上还会有斑鸠在那里歌唱。
- In autumn, he couldn't help sighing with such emotions when he looked at the falling leaves of the Chinese parasol and thought of his white hair. 秋天,他望着飘零的梧桐叶,想到自己已满头白发,不禁发出这样的感慨。
- Now many young people have taken the red roses as a symbol of love.But traditionally the Chinese parasol,or Wutkong,is a sign of ardent love. 在现代,许多年轻人用红玫瑰作为爱情的象征,但是传统上,梧桐是炽烈爱情的象征。
- Community entrance is the forest tree bursts, walking Road, gingko, Chinese parasol tree, deodar cedar, Kwong Yu-lan, Xiang Zhang, tree, Tsui Chuk, a green parks, people live. 这种格局形成“离尘不离城”,闹中取静,与上世纪30年代淮海路、衡山路上的老洋房十分相像。
- Seals on "green", according to Chinese parasol BianKuan "on the green landscape upper-level wutong Xie Yang, layout, turn round is strong, LiuYun nature. 印文“月照碧梧桐景”,边款“月照梧桐碧景庚子年杨澥”,布局工整,圆转刚劲,自然流韵。
- Jalways remember the tow tall fit trees bu the arch bridge in our campus and wonder if the first leaf of Chinese parasol falls down to my head, my shoulder, my hands and my heart. 总是惦记着校园双拱桥边那两棵高高的无花果树,总是担心那秋日的第一叶梧桐会落在我的头上、肩上、手上和心上。
- Wen Zhou City Ou Hai Chinese parasol field Hua Kang Suo factory being located in Zhejiang Province Wen Zhou City , being betokening the camp motorcycle lock and so on. 温州市瓯海梧田华康锁厂位于浙江省温州市,主营摩托车锁等。公司秉承"顾客至上,锐意进取"的经营理念,坚持"客户第一"的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!
- Wen Zhou City Ou Hai Chinese parasol field Hua Kang Suo factory being located in Zhejiang Province Wen Zhou City being betokening the camp motorcycle lock and so on. 温州市瓯海梧田华康锁厂位于浙江省温州市,主营摩托车锁等。
- Green environment is the best part of the length of over 300 metres, the Chinese parasol tree Avenue tall ones, this project is unique in the capital property. 绿色环境中的精华部分则是长度达300多米、高大浓密的梧桐大道,这在京城物业项目中是绝无仅有的。