- Water and ink painting is one of Chinese traditional arts. 水墨画是一项中国传统艺术。
- Qigong is an ancient Chinese traditional art of energy work. 气功是一种中国传统运用能量的技巧。
- Research the style of figure design, let it fit for animation production with Chinese traditional Art and modern animation theory. 结合中国传统艺术与现代动画理论探索出适合动画影片大生产需要的造型设计风格。
- Phoenix painting art of the Chinese school with a history of six hundred years, spreading over the folk tip to now, is part of the old Chinese traditional art fields. 摘要华派凤画艺术在民间流传至今,已有600多年的历史,是我国古老的传统艺术大观园中的一枝奇葩。
- In terms of the origin of the drawing style “vagueness and reality mutually exist, traceless lines make marvelous spots”, it can be found in the Chinese traditional art. 但是不难追溯这些书页与手的造型韵味与乔托、弗朗切斯卡等早期文艺复兴大师的渊源。
- Lacquerware is rich of distinctive Chinese national features.It is wonderful work of Chinese traditional art and culture..Our caskets are polishing lacquerwares. 涂层少都几十层,多者三五百层,然后以刀代笔,按照设计画稿,雕刻出山水、花卉、人物等浮雕纹样。
- Paillette is an important medium of Chinese traditional art, which is usually used to garnish different kinds of wares, sculptures and murals for its splendid tinct and precious characteristic. 金银箔是中国传统艺术中的一种重要媒介,因其华美的色泽和珍贵的品质,常用来装饰各种器物、雕塑和壁画。
- The object of recruiting: the fans for all calligraphies and Chinese tradition arts domestically and from overseas. 招生对象:国内外一切书法、国画艺术爱好者。
- On "Harmony" Cultural Inside Information of Chinese Traditional Art and Design 论中国传统艺术与设计的"和"文化底蕴
- Laos is a wood carving of the traditional arts. 老挝的木雕是一项传统的艺术。
- Research on the Influence of Chinese Traditional Arts on the Aesthetic Judgment of Modern Packaging Design 中国传统艺术对现代包装设计的审美影响研究
- Calligraphy art is the Chinese traditional culture treasure. 书法艺术是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。
- Discuss Classical art and Traditional art On China. 中国的古典艺术和传统艺术的交流。
- This book is about Chinese traditional medicine. 这本书是讲中医的。
- A: Yes. Landscapes and traditional art. 是的。山水画和传统艺术品。
- You'd better try some Chinese traditional medicine. 你最好试试服用中药。
- Yes. Landscapes and traditional art. 是的。山水画和传统艺术品。
- Can Chinese traditional medicine replace hormone? 中药可以代替激素吗?
- I earnestly love Chinese traditional painting. 我挚爱传统绘画。
- I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicines. 我建议你服用中药。