- Chinese studying overseas 海外留学人员
- The Chinese Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA) was founded in 1913 as a non-governmental organization for Chinese scholars having returned from studying overseas. 加拿大教育体制长久以来对中国学生到海外求学及研究具有极大吸引力。
- Bibliography of Chinese Books on Overseas Chinese Studies II. 华侨华人研究中文书目2。
- We will take still more effective measures to attract and employ well-trained personnel from abroad and encourage Chinese students studying overseas to return home and work in China. 进一步采取有效措施,吸引和聘用境外高级人才,鼓励留学人员回国创业。
- Favourable recruiting and retaining policies will be worked out to encourage the Chinese students studying overseas to return home. Foreign scholars and specialists will be invited to work in Beijing. 进一步建立完善人才引进配套政策,创造吸引人才的良好环境,鼓励吸引留学人员回国工作,聘请海外学者、专家来京服务;
- Nantah thus became an overseas center of learning for Chinese studies and culture. 南大遂成为海外中华文化教育中心。
- Most college students believe that studying oversea can greatly promote their knowledge level. 大多数大学生相信出国学习可以极大的提高他们的知识水平。
- Department of Chinese Studies Vienna University. 维也纳大学汉学系。
- Autopay (Please choose this payment method if you study overseas. 自動轉賬(如於海外升學,建議選用此付款方法。
- Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies, No. 密歇根中国研究论丛之七十四。
- We provide professional services to Chinese students study overseas, ranging from overseas study applying to daily life on campus. 我们为海外留学生提供专业的服务,这些服务包括了从留学申请到每天的校园学习生活,以及就业之前的指导。
- The writer is a student in the Chinese Studies Department,NUS. 作者是国大中文系学生。
- The APC is the third overseas Chinese Studies centre of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, and also its first centre in the Asia-Pacific region. 亚太汉学中心是蒋经国国际学术交流基金会第三所海外汉学研究中心,亦是整个亚太区的第一所。
- This thesis demonstrates the listening text from three aspects:Chinese studying procedure, Chinese teaching procedure and Chinese teaching practice. 示范性特征源于语文教学话语所形成的独特的听觉文本,文章从语文学习过程、语文教学过程和语文教学现实实践三个方面讨论了听觉文本的特殊性和重要性,从而论证了示范性特征的客观存在;
- I studied oversea for 3 years and now reside in Shanghai. I would like to take this opportunity to do some teaching. 本人有3年留学经历,先定居上海,希望能借此机会兼职教授中文。
- Paul Coughlin, managing director of corporate and government ratings in Asia Pacific, said that SandP would be presenting its study overseas with Chinese companies'international ambitions in mind. 标准普尔亚太区企业和政府评级部董事总经理顾国麟。
- The condition of large quantities of Chinese studying in Japan and Japanese guiding in China osculated the relationship between Japan and China, going by the name of Golden Time. 大量中国人留学日本,日本的顾问教习也大批大批地来到中国,使这一时期的中日关系异常“密切”,新政时期也被称为中日关系史上的“黄金时期”。
- Adding to a shrinking job market for graduates is the competition from their peers returning from studies overseas. 从海外留学回来的同龄人也给这些毕业生在缩小的招聘市场中增加了竞争。