- Is Chinese society on the verge of collapse? 中国面临社会崩溃?
- Guanxi is a weakness of the Chinese society. 关系是中国社会的一个弊病。
- Chinese society is a socialist of regionalization. 中国社会是一个区位化社会。
- Let us now analyse the different classes in Chinese society. 我们现在就来分析一下中国社会的各阶级。
- As explained above,Chinese society remained feudal for 3,000 years. 中国过去三千年来的社会是封建社会,前面已经说明了。
- What classes are there in present-day Chinese society? 现阶段的中国社会里,有些什么阶级呢?
- What is the condition of each of the classes in Chinese society? 中国社会各阶级的情况是怎样的呢?
- In Chinese society shame operates as the principal sanction. 在中国的社会,羞耻心在道义上具有一种压倒一切的约束力。
- After Jiawu War, ethnicism began to upsurge inside Chinese society. 甲午战争后民族主义开始在中国社会内部初步兴起。
- We hope we have more bleeding heart people in the Chinese society. (我们希望中国社会有更多热心肠的人。)(当形容词)
- In Chinese society, the homonyms of numbers hold deep meaning. 在中国,数字的同音含有深刻的含义。
- Welcome to the Website of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths! 欢迎访问中国稀土学会网站!
- Confucius is more influential than Jesus in Chinese society. 孔子在中國社會比耶穌更具影響力。
- Union into the elite of Chinese society, this is a warm sky. 走进中华精英联盟社团,这里是一片温暖的天空。
- In Chinese society very few fairy godmothers can be discovered. 在中国社会里,很少有钱的女人慷慨捐助。
- Remarriage wasn't acceptable in feudal Chinese society. 在中国封建社会里,改嫁是不被容许的。
- Chinese society has been in the midst of great changes for a long time. 中国社会很久以来就处在大变动中间了。
- There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of Chinese society. 中国社会所有的组成部分都发生了很大变化。
- Across Chinese society, signs of stress and restless energy are everywhere. 整个中国社会到处都存在紧张与焦躁的迹象。
- Since its birth, the ballet has won a lot of praises from Chinese society. 从它诞生起,就赢得多方好评。