- New Advances in Research on Modern Chinese Economic History. 中国现代经济史研究的新进展。
- DATA SOURCE:A.Feuerwerker, "Chinese Economic History in Comparative Perspective," in Heritage of China, ed. PaulS. Ropp [Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1990],p. 227). 所以,中国的人口优势在明清朝已经消失。更为重要的转变是技术创新的方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。在欧洲出现了以作试验搞发明为生的职业科学家团体!
- The Obtainment of the General Knowledge of Chinese Economic History 疏通知远:中国经济史通识的获取
- A summary of the 2002 annul meeting of Chinese economic history associationand the international symposium of market grow and regional economic development 中国经济史学会2002年年会暨市场发育与区域经济发展国际学术研讨会综述
- The cambridge economic history of Europe. 剑桥欧洲经济史。
- Here again economic history may teach something. 在此,经济史又一次对我们有所教益。
- A concise economic history of the world cameron r. 简明世界经济史。
- Chinese economic history 经济史研究
- World Factory: Necessity or Goal of Chinese Economic Development? 世界工厂是中国经济发展的必然而不是目标?
- Well, then the Chinese economic miracle could fizzle. 那么,中国的经济奇迹届时将不复存在。
- Can the West coexist in harmony with a Chinese economic colossus? 西方能否与这样一个中国经济巨人和谐相处?
- An Introduction to English economic history and Theory W. 英国经济史及学说。
- Study on the economic history in Hainan Province II. 海南经济史研究2。
- E. M. Carus-Wilson,Essays in Economic History[M].London,1954. 作者:佚名论文来源:在职教育交流中心点击数:更新时间:2007-5-14
- Durative double surplus has taken some problem to Chinese economic runing. 应从以下方面作出政策调整:转变外贸政策;
- Business history split off from economic history in the U.S.A. in 1920s. 在20年代美国又将企业史从经济史中分化出来。
- Herbert Heaton,Economic History of Europe[M].New York:Harper&brothers,1 948. 海斯、曹绍濂译.;近代欧洲政治社会史(上卷)[M]
- Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries. 中国经济贸易展览会促进了与外国先进技术的交流。
- Secondly, Chinese economics should be a social science and a science of history. 其次,中国经济学应该是社会科学和历史的科学;
- And we has also found some especial rules on the moving of Chinese economic barycenter. 文章还发现,中国经济重心的迁移存在几个特殊的规律。