- A new approach to the study of Chinese dialects is one that combines the methods used in modern social linguistics and dialect geography. 结合现代社会语言学和方言地理学的方法来研究汉语方言应该成为方言研究的一个新的途径。
- Chinese dialect geography 汉语方言地理
- Tone sandhi is considered as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect. 连读变调是汉语方言中一种普遍的语音现象。
- The Chinese dialect of Peking. 北京语一种北京的中国方言
- Several findings are as follows: (1) The use of Chinese dialect words is generally low for Uighur. 研究发现:(1)维吾尔族对汉语方言词的使用,从整体上说使用率较低;
- The life or death of Chinese dialects? 方言,生存还是毁灭?
- Chinese Dialects: Integration or Multiplicity? 汉语方言:一体化还是多样性?
- This subject will be helpful to the establishment of the history of Chinese dialect and the history of Chinese dialectology. 本课题的研究有助于汉语方言史和汉语方言学史的构建。
- The paper describes some homonyms between in Xinjiang Chinese dialect and in Uyghur, moreover, their similarities and differences are analysesed. 在登录后您才有权阅读期刊文章全文,请先注册或登录本网!
- Based on multi-phased probability sampling, this paper analyzes the usage of Xinjiang Chinese dialect words by Uighur in Wulumuqi. 摘要本文采用分层多阶段概率抽样方法,调查分析了乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族对新疆汉语方言词的使用状况。
- But some scholars think Wu dialect became an independent Chinese dialect in Xijin.To be exact,therefore,the northern boarder should be Yangtze River rather than Huai River. 不过,也有学者认为作为汉语方言的吴语在西晋才真正独立,严格说来,其北界应为长江,而不是淮河。
- Research on Dialect Geography of Lishui in Jiangsu Province 江苏溧水方言地理学研究
- Besides Mandarin, what other Chinese dialects do you understand? 除了普通话,你还懂中国其他方言吗?
- Although Singlish is a sign of greater interaction among the ethnic as well as the Chinese dialect groups,its widespread use has been a bad influence on the young who are quick to master it instead of proper English. 新加坡式英语是一种现象,表明不仅各华族方言群体之间,而且各种族之间,都有了更多的交往。尽管如此,它的广泛流传对年青人已起了不良影响,他们很快对新加坡式英语朗朗上口,却不去掌握标准英语。
- In a country that has striven so hard to promote the use of Mandarin as a common language of the different Chinese dialect groups,should we keep Singlish out of Mandarin conversations? 我国多年来努力推广华语作为不同方言群的共同语言。那么当我们用华语交谈的时候,字句中能否参杂“新加坡式英语”?
- Chinese dialects are rich and colorful and present manifold differences. 摘要汉语方言丰富多彩,方言之间呈现出多种差异。
- The author discusses the decreasing cause of the tone in Xinjiang Chinese dialect, based on deep language contact with Turkic Languages, especially the influence of Uighur language, the second import inter-communicative tool in Xinjiang. 摘要新疆汉语方言声调减少,不能仅从其内部找原因,还须结合语言接触史来进行探讨,尤其是区内第二大交际工具-维吾尔语为代表的突厥语族诸语言的影响不可忽视。
- In a country that has striven so hard to promote the use of Mandarin as a common language of the different Chinese dialect groups, should we keep Singlish out of Mandarin conversations? 我国多年来努力推广华语作为不同方言群的共同语言。那么当我们用华语交谈的时候,字句中能否参杂“新加坡式英语”?
- The propagation of sound change: a case study in Chinese dialects, abstracts. 音变的传递---汉语方言研究之一例,提要
- Although Singlish is a sign of greater interaction among the ethnic as well as the Chinese dialect groups, its widespread use has been a bad influence on the young who are quick to master it instead of proper English. 新加坡式英语是一种现象,表明不仅各华族方言群体之间,而且各种族之间,都有了更多的交往。尽管如此,它的广泛流传对年青人已起了不良影响,他们很快对新加坡式英语朗朗上口,却不去掌握标准英语。