- Chinese building industry 中国建筑业
- This Standard put forward by Chinese Building Materials Industry Association. 本标准由中国建筑材料工业协会提出。
- China Ship Building Industry Corporation. 中国船舶重工业集团公司。
- Chongqing Ship Building Industry Corp. 重庆船舶工业公司。
- Inflation knocked up much of the building industry in the U. S. 通货膨胀使美国许多建筑行业遭到破坏。
- Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry. 对建筑业的工人来说形势看来很不乐观。
- There was hardly any machine building industry then. 那时候几乎没有什么机器制造业。
- Ordinary workers in the building industry earn meager salaries. 从事建筑业的工人收入微薄。
- The Chinese built rapidly a trafficable road. 中国政府很快修建了用于交通的马路。
- The machine building industry reacted upon the coal industry considerably. 机器制造业对煤炭工业产生很大影响。
- She had never imagined the splendor and size of Chinese buildings. 她从未想到中国建筑物是这样华丽,这样大。
- The early Chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope. 古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。
- The council is a nonprofit organization made up of building industry leaders. 该委员会是个非营利性组织,由建筑业的领导者们组成。
- The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload. 建筑业正经历工程量的严重滑坡。
- The building scheme comes as an enormous boon for the building industry. 该建筑方案为建筑业带来巨大的好处。
- Zambians can do that.The Chinese building firms are undercutting the local firms. 中国建筑公司正在使我们当地的建筑公司逐渐失去优势,渐渐走向崩溃和破产。”
- Of all the ancient Chinese buildings, the Great Wall is perhaps the greatest. 我国古代的伟大建筑,恐怕莫过于万里长城了。
- Among them, chinese building learns vice-chairman of interior design branch to add auspicious professor to put forward " safflower matchs greenery " theory is most conspicuous. 其中,中国建筑学会室内设计分会副会长来增祥教授提出的“红花配绿叶”理论最为引人注目。
- In old China,there was hardly any machine- building industry,to say nothing of automobile and aviation industries. 旧中国几乎没有机器制造业,更不用说汽车制造业和飞机制造业了。
- I am seriously impressed with the structural resistance of this building as the myth of Chinese building standards has dogged me ever since we bought the place. 译:尽管自从我们买了这个房子以来我就一直对神秘的中国建筑标准心存疑虑,我还是对这座大楼坚固的结构印象深刻。