- Research on the Current Situation and Its Adjusting Strategy of the Industrial Structure Overall Arrangement of Chinese Middle Area 中部地区产业结构布局现状与调整战略研究
- Seminar about Science teaching with the science teachers from Chinese Middle schools. 和中国的中学教师研讨理科教学。
- Strenthen the Innovation of Finance to Support the Corporation and Promote the Development of Middle Area. 加大金融支持企业创新力度促进中部地区加速崛起。
- The middle area of IMAR was struck by a serious drought this year, and potatoes yield in Wuchuan dropped sharply. 今年,内蒙古中部遭受了严重的旱灾,武川土豆大面积减产。
- The middle areas of the defensive and offensive lines. 中区防守和进攻线间的中间地区
- Owing to traits of modern Chinese politics, the Chinese middle class is evidently both a vanguard in consumption and a rearguard in politic. 因为当代中国社会的政治特点,使得中国中产阶级在政治上的后卫性和消费上的前卫性尤为明显。
- The nervus cutaneus colli mainly conducted to the cells of facial nucleus in the middle area. 颈皮神经主要传导至面神经核的中间细胞群;
- I am a Chinese middle school students in Reading, I very much like English, which I opened up a vision, make life more colorful. 我的简历:我是中国的在读中学生,我非常喜欢英语,它让我开拓了视野,使生活更加丰富多彩。
- This thesis makes a probe into the writing of Chinese middle schools from imitative compositions to innovative compositions. 本文是关于中学作文教学中,由模仿向创新渐变问题的探讨。
- My experience during the two days in a Chinese middle school makes me eternally grateful for my parent's decision to move to Canada. 我在中国一所中学的两天经历让我永远地感激我的父母移民加拿大的决定。
- The artificial factor in the middle area of Brahmaputra, Lhasa River and Nianchu River induced relatively strong ecological degradation action. 在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河与年楚河流域中部地区人为因子致使生态退化作用较强.
- But those problems are compounded by an emerging Chinese middle class that wants all the energy-guzzling luxuries that the West has. 但这些问题因中国的新兴中产阶级想要西方拥有的所有高能耗奢华而受到影响。
- The forth-class risk zone locates the southern and middle area of shrub land, open woodland and the medium coverage grass land. 六级风险区主要分布在研究区城镇及居民点等建设用地、未利用地和水域。
- Middle area is in the middle of our country,the tillable area and number of people is large,the products are variety,the communication is developed. 中部地区地处国土腹地,耕地面积大,人口众多,物产丰富、多样,水陆交通发达。在经济发展中,承东启西,处于吃力地位。
- Objective:To introduce the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(UWES)developed by Schaufeli et al, and to examine its reliability and validity in Chinese middle school teachers. 目的:引入Schaufeli等编制的Utrecht工作投入量表(UWES),检验其在中学教师群体中应用的信度和效度。
- MARK COLVIN: But where is the demand coming from now - you say its domestic but does that mean that Chinese middle classes are going out and buying new kitchens, or? 但是现在那些需求从哪里来呢?你说是国内,但是意味著中国中产阶级都出去买新厨具,还是其他?
- The results showed that soil animals in the ecotone of grassland and farmland in the middle area of Inner Mongolia belong to 5 phylum,7 class,13 order,43 famility. 研究结果表明,内蒙古中部农牧交错区有土壤动物5 门7 纲13 目43科。
- Demand for the delicacy has increased as the Chinese middle class has grown, even as reported global landings of sharks have remained static or declined. 随著中国中产阶级人数增多,即使报告补抓到的鲨鱼数量已经停滞不前或是变少,大家对这项佳肴的需求仍快速增长。
- The middle area of Guizhou is rich in Aphyllophorales resources.There are 58 speesies, be-longing to 5 families, 15 genera have been reported from middle area of Guizhou. 报道了贵州中部地区的非褶菌58种,分属于5个科,15个屑。