- "Unfamiliarization"had also been used in the creative writing of Chinese Classical fiction self-consciously or not,so that Chinese Classical fiction has the heartquake aesthetic effect. “陌生化”理论也被自觉不自觉地运用于中国古代的小说创作中,从而使中国古代小说具有了震撼人心的审美效果。
- Chinese Classical fiction 中国古代小说
- Along with the introduction and development of Buddhism, Chinese classical zhi-guai fiction underwent subtle changes both in content and form. 随着佛教的传入与迅速发展,中国古代志怪小说从内容到形式,都经历了一场潜移默化的变革。
- Chinese Classic Animation Te Wei Collection. 中国经典动画。
- This book is the first history of Chinese fiction which gave the right name and signification to the Chinese classic novels. 该书为中国古典小说正名添价,是第一部中国小说史。
- On introduction of rhymed verses into the creation of Chinese classical fictions 试论中国古典小说创作的诗词羼入
- Course of Sword Dance in Chinese Classical Dance II. 中国古典舞剑舞教程2。
- The Forbidden City is typically Chinese classical architecture. 紫禁城是典型的中国古典建筑。
- There is profound implication in Chinese classical poetry. 摘要古典诗歌富有深厚的意蕴美。
- "The blank" in the Chinese classical art is a very important category. 摘要“空白”在中国古典艺术中是一个很重要的范畴。
- In Chinese classical poetry,the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods. 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。
- Fictions criticism in Ming Dynasty mainly includes classical fiction criticism and popular fiction criticism relating mostly with vernacular ones. 明代的小说批评,主要包括文言小说批评和通俗小说(白话小说为主体)评。
- Is the blues harmonica suitable for Chinese classic and pop music? thanks! 布鲁斯口琴适合吹奏中国古典乐曲和流行音乐么?
- I once attempted to read an English translated version of the Chinese classic novel "The Dream of Red Mansions" . 我曾尝试阅读一本《红楼梦》的英译本。
- She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc. 她很喜欢中国古典文学, 诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。
- "Flavor",as the core of Chinese classical Shilun,is a classical poetry theory with distinct national features. “味”是中国古典诗论的核心范畴,是富有鲜明民族特色的古典诗歌理论。
- First, jing Literary School's imagery is different from Chinese classical poetry and the Western imagism. 京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。
- The realism and romanticism in his poems stood for a “new leve l" of Chinese classical literary history. 其思想站在“时代前沿”,其诗歌中的现实主义与浪漫主义,创造了中国古代文学史的“新高度”。
- This thesis aims at demonstrating the falsehood of the untranslatable quality of ancient Chinese classical poetry. 摘要论证中外学者大量的诗歌翻译实践中表明“诗歌不可译”之类的看法实属片面。
- The affinity of Wang Yabin's works to Chinese classical is not only discernable but obvious. 王亚彬的作品与中国古典艺术的关系是显而易见的。