- Chinese Catholic history 中国天主教史
- From 1958 to 1995,a total of 126 Catholic bishops were selected and ordained by the Chinese Catholic church itself. 从1958年至1995年,中国天主教已先后自选自圣主教126位。
- McGee was a very active journalist and the author of numerous books devoted to Irish and Roman Catholic history, politics and literature. 亚麦基是一位非常活跃的新闻工作者,并且是致力于爱尔兰和天主教历史、政治和文学的多产作家。
- From 1958 to 1995, a total of 126 Catholic bishops were selected and ordained by the Chinese Catholic church itself. 从1958年至1995年,中国天主教已先后自选自圣主教126位。
- The clergy and members of the Chinese Catholic Church were not to be left behind. 中国天主教界的神长教友们也不甘落后。
- The organizers of the first Chinese Catholic Evangelization Concert in Toronto share with us their spiritual journeys. 一班福传音乐会筹委分享他们多年来筹划音乐会的目的和他们的信仰成长历程.
- Nicola Ruggiero accepted the mission of looking after the Chinese Catholic Community in Toronto. 同年六月,陆神父去函多伦多教区主教作初步成立堂区申请。
- Challenges to the "foreignness" of Chinese religions came from enlightened personages of Chinese Catholic and Protestant churches. 对“洋教”特征的挑战,始于中国天主教和基督教中的有识之士。
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel has met with a Chinese Catholic bishop in Shanghai on the final day of her visit to China. 德国总理默克尔在访问中国的最后一天,在上海会见了一名中国天主教主教。
- A group of Chinese Catholic priests and nuns will spend Christmas in an empty building they claim is theirs as they try to persuade authorities to return it. 中国一些天主教神父和修女将在他们宣称属于他们的一座空建筑物里度过圣诞节。他们试图说服有关当局归还房产。
- The Chinese Catholic Church has sent representatives to attend some international religious conferences successively,such as the Fifth World Conference on Religion and Peace and the World Catholic Youth Day. 中国天主教还先后派代表出席了“第五届‘宗教与和平’国际会议”和“世界天主教青年大会”等一些国际宗教会议。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- In religious belief,Chinese Catholicism is the same as Catholicisms anywhere else in the world,while in church administration all the internal affairs are handled according to decisions made by the Chinese Catholic church independently. 在信仰上,中国天主教与世界各地的天主教是一致的;在教会管理上,一切内部事务均由中国天主教教会自主决定。
- In February 1957, the Chinese Catholic Church held a Conference of Fellow Believers for more than 40 days, which laid down the principal guideline for "self-administration of church affairs". 1957年2月,中国天主教召开了为期40多天的教友代表会,正式确立了“独立自主自办教会”的方针。
- During the May 4th Movement, patriotic clergymen, believers and students of missionary schools in Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities called for changes to the colonial structure of the Chinese Catholic Church. 在五四运动中,津、沪等地的爱国神父、教徒和教会学校学生提出了改变中国天主教会殖民地体制的要求。
- In religious belief Chinese Catholicism is the same as Catholicisms anywhere else in the world, while in church administration all the internal affairs are handled according to decisions made by the Chinese Catholic church independently. 在信仰上,中国天主教与世界各地的天主教是一致的; 在教会管理上,一切内部事务均由中国天主教教会自主决定。
- He is digging into Chinese history. 他正在钻研中国历史。
- Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association 中国天主教爱国会
- Chinese Catholic Academy of Theology and Philosophy 中国天主教神哲学院
- His knowledge of Chinese history is meagre. 他的中国历史知识很贫乏。