- Member of the Chinese American Culture Association. Alhambra is home to one of the largest Chinatowns in the Los Angeles area. 注册以获得一个免费帐号,或登入(如果你已经是会员)。
- Donald Duk rejects the Chinese American culture and regards himself as one of the white Americans because of the orthodox education of mainstream society. 剖析主人公唐纳德在主流社会的正统教育影响下,背离华裔历史和文化,认为自己完全等同于美国白人。
- Then follows the interpretation of four literary terms employed in this paper, including cultural studies, Caucasian culture, Chinese American culture and Bildungsroman. 此外,作者还对论文涉及的文学术语加以阐释,包括文化研究、白人文化、华裔文化及成长小说理论。
- The Chinese American Music Ensemble (CAME) is a program of the Chinese American Cultural Association (CACA), which seeks to promote the exchange between the Chinese and Western cultures. 中美合唱团是新泽西州中美文化协会下的一个组织,该协会之宗旨乃是促进中西文化交流和服务社区。
- The new manager is a pleasant Chinese American. 新任经理是个和气的美籍华人。
- He is an outsider to American culture. 对于美国文化他是个局外人,
- Do you know anything about South American culture? 你了解南美文化吗?
- What Shocked Me About American Culture? 什么样的美国文化令我大吃一惊?
- American culture contains complex elements. 美国文化的构成因素十分复杂。
- Are you assimilated with American culture? 你能接受美国文化吗?
- Chinese American Culture 美国华裔文化
- Our teacher, who is a Chinese American, is a wonderful cook. 我们老师是个美籍华人,他的烹饪水平很高。
- Romantic love is very much a part of American culture. 浪漫爱情是美国文化的重要组成部分。
- Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan used to be the dominant Chinese American stereotypes in American popular culture. 摘要付满楚和查理?陈一度是美国大众文化中定型化的主导华人形象,带有种族歧视和性别歧视的内涵。
- Collect Native American culture and history in Maine. 收藏缅因州美国本土文化和历史。
- Actually,love is a part of every culture,not just American culture. 事实上,爱是每个文化的组成部分,而不仅仅是美国文化。
- Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or apple pie. 宠物是美国文化中的一部分,就如热狗和苹果派一样。
- Were you very involved in that Chinese American Students'Organisation? 你非常投入于华裔美籍学生会吗?
- How Sept. 11 has changed advertising and American culture. 11事件是如何改变美国的广告和文化的.
- Chapter 2 is the summary of Chinese American literature of matrilineage. 第二章是对华裔母系文学的总论。