- China under Chairman Mao 毛主席领导下的中国
- Tibet declared itself independent of China almost 100 years ago but then in 1950,under Chairman Mao's orders, Chinese troops invaded eastern Tibet. 西藏宣布它的独立已经将近100年了。但后来,在1950年,在毛泽东的领导下,中国军队侵略了位于东方的西藏。
- A most scathing indictment of life under Chairman Mao, THE BLUE KITE recounts how a child and his mother survive through the turbulence of 1950/60s China in the years of suffering and perseverance. 从小孩子的冷眼察看五、六十年代令人心碎的中国史。铁头的母亲一生际遇坎坷,丈夫总是死于非命。第一任丈夫在阴差阳错下被划为右派,在劳改时被大树压死;其生前好友为照顾两母子继任丈夫,不久却在大荒积劳成疾;
- Chairman Mao is our great leader. 毛主席是我们的伟大领袖。
- Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939. 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念白求恩》一文。
- Chairman Mao himself gave me that power. 这是毛主席亲自交代给我的。
- Can China be like today without Chairman Mao and Premier Chou Enlai? 没有毛主席及周总理,中国可以有今日吗?
- That was Chairman Mao's strategic decision. 这是毛主席的战略决策。
- We used to have Chairman Mao as the core. 在历史上,我们有毛主席这个核心。
- Sun taking briny taste, China under Fusang trees. 咸池沐日,扶桑中国。
- Soon he learnt this poem by Chairman Mao by heart. 他很快就把毛主席的这首诗背下来了。
- I've got it. It is a quotation from Chairman Mao. 想起来了, 这是毛主席的语录。
- Chairman Mao's words are a complete formulation. 完备的提法,还是毛主席的四句话。
- Here's the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. 这就是毛主席纪念堂。
- Mozart is thinking of Chairman Mao all the time! 莫扎特永远想念毛主席。
- Technology Foundation of Liaoning Province of China under Grant No. 辽宁省科技基金。
- Mozart is thinking of Chairman Mao! 莫扎特想念毛主席!
- The Foundation of Southeast University of China under Grant No. 东南大学基金。
- Be loyal to Chairman Mao forever! 永远忠于毛主席!
- China under the State Gui (this Weinan in Shaanxi Province) people. 华州下邽(今陕西渭南)人。