- China tourism geography teaching should pay attention to unifying teaching purpose and media character, moden media and traditonal media, scientificity and interest. 但在中国旅游地理教学过程中应注意教学目的与媒体特点、现代媒体与传统媒体、科学性与趣味性的统一。
- China tourism geography 中国旅游地理
- Opening strategy research on China tourism industry II. 中国旅游业对外开放战略研究2。
- Demographical features of tourist flows are the basic content in the research of tourism geography. 旅游客流是旅游目的地与旅游客源地之间空间相互作用的结果。
- In the last part of the paper, the author appeals to study tourist destination image from an integrated perspective based on the knowledge of communication studies, marketing, advertising and tourism geography. 提倡从传播学、市场营销学、广告学、旅游地理学等多学科综合研究城市与区域的旅游形象问题。
- The development of China tourism industry can be summarized as "strong outwardly but shrived inwardly". 摘要当前我国旅游产业的发展可概括为“虚火过盛”、“中气不足”。
- The tourism geography courses which strait serve the base education may use if for reference and according as the theory of sustainable development, reform the idea of education, system of subject and teaching content deeply. 直接服务于基础教育的高师旅游地理课程可以此为借鉴,应在可持续发展理论指导下,对其教学思想观念、学科体系框架和学科内容等方面,进行全方位、广角度的改革与创新,以适应21世纪高校对大学生素质教育的需要。
- Demographical features of tourist flows are the basic content in the research of tourism geography. The behavior of tourist is one of the most important research fields of tourism geography. 旅游客流的人口学特征是旅游地理学研究的基础工作,旅游者行为是旅游地理学研究的重要内容。
- Chengdu Gourmet Festival will be held during China Tourism Trade Fair which is expected to attract more than50,000 people. 中国旅游交易会上将举办“成都美食节”,此举有望吸引5万名以上的食客。
- If you find some academic journals about china tourism industry, please buy it and post to UK, i will pay for you, thank you. 如果你看到有关此的最新的学术杂志期刊;请代买并邮寄给雪;雪会将书款和邮寄费一并寄回给你.
- The congress organized by the China Association for the real estate industry, Hainan Province, China Tourism Association. 本次大会由中国房地产业协会主办,海南省人民政府、中国旅游协会支持。
- The events of "24-hour photographing", jointly initiated and implemented by the Hong Kong China Tourism Press and China Times, has been serialized. 由香港中国旅游出版社和台湾中国时报共同发起并实施的两岸摄影家合拍某地已成系列。
- China Liaoning Internation Travel Service is ractified by China Tourism Beaureu.It belongs to China Liaoning Interational Group. 公司描述:中辽国际旅行社是国家旅游局批准的国际旅行社,隶属于中辽国际集团(省直第一家上市公司)。
- Now BTG is engaging in reorganization of China Tourism Trust Investment Company besides holding the shares of the Century Securities. 目前首旅除控股世纪证券外,还正在改组中国旅游信托投资公司。
- It is the multimember of China tourism Association, UFTAA China Travel Hotel Association, China Information Association and China Computer Users Association. 主要从事国际信息网络、中国旅游旅游网络和电子商务系统的研究与开发;
- At present, China tourism already becomes extremely a key factor to promot the economic growth in all localities, and being becoming the major industry of national economy. 目前中国旅游业已成为促进各地区经济发展的极富活力的重要因素,正成为国民经济的重要产业。
- Also shows in this article the detailed designation and implementation during the specific implementary process with an example of the China Tourism e-business platform. 同时以一个国家级旅游电子商务平台为例,详细讨论了具体实施过程中各部分的设计和实现。
- Study on Innovation Guidance of Thesis for Tourism Geography 旅游地理毕业论文创新指导研究
- The Advantage and the Challenge to Chinese Tourism Geography 中国旅游地理学的优势与挑战
- PATA wishes to engage the China tourism, aviation and hospitality industries in a big way and IHFO is proving to be a strong partner in terms of networking and relationship building. 太平洋亚洲旅游协会(PATA)愿意在更大程度上与中国旅游、航空和酒店业合作;中外酒店论坛组织(IHFO)无论在实力或业内网络关系上,都证明是太亚旅游协会(PATA)的强有力的合作伙伴。