- Chief Scientist Army 陆军首席科学家
- He is currently Chief Scientist with NIIT. 现在他是NIIT首席科学家。
- Not so, says Keith Englander, chief scientist at the MDA. 美国导弹防御局(MDA)的首席科学家KeithEnglander并不认为那样。
- He is now chief scientist at Econometrics, Inc., also in Chicago. 基恩目前仍在芝加哥,担任经济计量学公司的首席科学家。
- The chief scientist for the Magellan project said most of the surface is only about four-hundred-million years old. 负责麦哲伦计划的主要科学家说金星绝大部分表面的年龄只有4亿年。
- He is the chief scientist of the Health Research Institute in Naperville, Illinois. 他是伊利诺州Naperville市卫生研究院的首席科学家。
- ViaLactia chief scientist Dr Russell Snell says Marge was discovered during a routine screening of dairy cows. 自从2001年马奇被发现后,研究人员成功的喂养了它并期望它的后代也能够产出低脂牛奶。
- Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA, a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice. 裴洛维奇也是席巴海冰研究站的首席科学家,他搭乘的破冰船与北极浮冰冻结在一块儿,一起漂流了一年。
- Recognizing the Regent's chief scientist, they immediately genuflected and offered their salute. 他们认出了瑞金特的首席科学家,立刻跪地行礼致敬。
- At the March meeting of the American Chemical Society, GlycoFi chief scientist Tillman U. 今年3月,于美国化学学会的年会中,醣幻公司的首席科学家镇格罗斯(TillmanU.
- Lassila is a research fellow at the Nokia Research Center in Boston, chief scientist of Nokia Venture Partners and a member of the W3C Advisory Board. 拉斯莱是波士顿诺基亚研究中心研究员,也是诺基亚风险合夥公司首席科学家和W3C顾问委员会成员。
- Paul Kocher, Cryptography Research's president and chief scientist, thinks HD DVD's decision not to adopt his technology eventually tipped the battle to Blu-ray. Paul Kocher(Cryptography Research的总裁和首席科学家)认为hd DVD决定不采用他的技术最终使战局变得对Blu-ray有利。
- Global temperatures are likely to rise by 5.4 Degrees by the end of the century, sharply increasing drought and water shortages, Britain's chief scientist said. 近日;英国著名科学家戴维·金发出警告说;到本世纪末;全球气温的上升幅度可能会达到5.;4摄氏度;届时气候变暖将使世界上很多地方的干旱及水资源短缺问题变得更加严峻。
- Dr Arno Allan Penzias, Senior Technical Advisor of Spreadtrum, Nobel Laureate in Physics, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Bell Laboratories. 展讯通信高级技术顾问、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、贝尔实验室前副总裁兼首席科学家阿诺·彭齐亚斯博士等。
- Robert Lanza, chief scientist at the stem cell company Adanced Cell Technology."Either way, I think this work represents a giant step forward for stem cell research. 自2001年以来,布什政府就严重限制联邦资金用于胚胎干细胞研究,迫使许多科学家不得不寻找其它干细胞来源。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Robert Lanza, chief scientist at the stem cell company Advanced Cell Technology."Either way, I think this work represents a giant step forward for stem cell research. ,身为干细胞先进技术公司首席科学家的RobertLanza博士说道,"但不管怎么样,我认为Atala博士的研究将干细胞研究推向了一个崭新的高度。"
- We gathered a lot of excellent information from earth via a French-Canadian telescope based in Hawaii, said the mission's chief scientist Bernard Foing. 科学家佛因:我们已从地球蒐集到优质探测结果,加拿大、法国、夏威夷3个观测站,都传回影像。
- Charles Benbrook, PhD, chief scientist for The Organic Center, a Boulder-based industry group, says his center's research has produced different conclusions. 博尔德为基础的工业集团有机中心首席科学家尔斯本布鲁克博士表示他的中心的研究已经得出了不同的结论。