- Both John and I understand Chi nese. 我和约翰都听得懂汉语。
- Rice, Chi nese For eign Min is ter Li Zhaoxing 15)ap pealed for calm. 在发布会上,李肇星呼吁各方保持冷静。
- Compiling Committee of Records of China Bays,1994.Records of China Bays 7th Fascicule (The bays in northern part of Fujian).Beijing:Ocean Press (In Chi nese). 中国海湾志编篡委员会;1994.;中国海湾志第七分册(福建北部海湾)
- The influence of clear cutting Chinese fir plantation on the characteristics of runoff water chemistry of forestland. 与相似的文献。
- Based on the data observed at Huitong Ecology Station, the carbon content of Chinese fir plantation ecosystem was studied. 对杉木人工林生态系统的碳素含量进行了定位观测。
- In this paper, the biomass and productivity of 10-year and 11-year old second generation Chinese fir plantation in Huitong County were studied. 本文对会同10年生和11年生第二代杉木人工林的生物量和生产力进行了测定和研究。
- Speaking of the improvements of the Chi nese judicial review system, the legal aspects of a developing country conceptio n should be kept in mind, allowing China to have a transitional period. 在司法审查制度的完善问题上,应强调发展中国家的法律概念,允许中国有一个过渡期;
- Chinese fir plantation and Masson pine plantation are two fire-prone fuel types distributed in Zhangping city,their fuel loadings determine fire behavior. 杉木林和马尾松是分布于漳平市的两种易燃的可燃物类型。
- Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) adsorption and its influence factor on the soil of Chinese fir plantation were studied with IM isotherm in laboratory experiments. The quantities of DOC adsorption in the lower soil are greater than that of the upper soil. 用模拟实验的方法借助原始物质吸附等温线对杉林土壤溶解有机碳(DOC)的吸附及其影响因素进行了研究。
- Basal area distribution of Chinese fir plantation 杉木人工林林分断面积分布规律的研究
- On outturn table of stand of Chinese fir plantation 杉木人工林林分出材率表编制方法的研究
- A Study on Felling Age of Chinese Fir Plantation 大岗山杉木人工林主伐年龄的研究
- second-rotation Chinese fir plantation 第2代杉木人工林
- Consequently, the results show that the RMC method has a distinct effect on recovering species diversity of Chinese fir plantations in southern China. 结果表明,残留物管理育林法对杉木林地的物种多样性有着明显有恢复作用。
- Keywords psychology affect psychometrics Chi nese reliability validity; 正性负性情绪量表;中文版;信度;效度;
- Keywords Japan;Chi nese medicine;the compromise school;introduction; 关键词日本;汉方医学;折衷派;介绍;
- secondary generation of Chinese fir plantation 杉木
- the second generation Chinese fir plantation 第二代杉木林
- Biomass of Chinese fir plantations in Fujian Province and its allocation among leaf, branch, stem and roots were studied based on the published biomass data. 摘要通过收集福建省杉木林生物量数据,对福建省杉木林生物量及其分配规律进行分析,结果表明,杉木林生物量随年龄增长呈逐渐增加趋势,并以幕方程拟合的效果最好。
- the second rotation Chinese Fir plantation 第2代杉木人工林