- Chashan small watershed in Nujiang 怒江茶山小流域
- Chashan small watershed 茶山小流域
- Dynamic Change in Nitrogen Discharge with Runoff from a Small Watershed in Southern Anhui Hilly Areas. 皖南丘陵地区小流域氮素径流输出的动态变化。
- And the method is verified in the calculation of ravine density in a small watershed of the Yellow River basin. 并以黄河流域某小流域沟壑密度的计算作了实例验证。
- The synthetical benefits of soil and water conservation after harness in Shima small watershed are evaluated. 综合评价了石马河小流域治理后的水土保持效益。
- Taking the small watershed of Xudiying in Zaerdong as an example, the planning and analysis of eco system were carried out. 以扎兰屯徐地营子小流域为例对生态系统进行规划分析。
- To sum up, the findings are beneficial to the recognition of rill erosion characteristics for small watershed in soft rock area. 研究结果有利于深化人们对砒砂岩地区小流域毛沟侵蚀特性的认识。
- It also establishes the system using Delphi and ArcGIS engine with a case of Liudaogou small watershed in the loess Plateau as an example. 这些小流域地形破碎,水土流失严重,是黄河中流最主要的产沙源区[1]。
- Liu G B, Hu W Y, Xu M X.An analysis on eco-economy system health in Zhifanggou small watershed of Ansai on loess hilly-gullied region. 刘国彬;胡维银;许明祥.;黄土丘陵区小流域生态经济系统健康评价
- The weighted coefficient optimization method has been applied to a small watershed management in Danjiangkou reservoir area. 摘要应用权重系数优化方法于丹江口库区小流域综合治理中。
- Classical statistical analyses show significant spatial variability of soil erodibility K values at a scale of small watershed, the variance coefficient of which is 39.94%. 经典统计学方法分析表明,在小流域尺度下土壤可蚀性K值存在很强的空间变异性,其变异系数达39.;94%25。
- In order to study the management of water environment in small watershed, the SWAT model is used to study Hufu watershed of Yixing city where the non-point output predominates. 摘要为了进行小流域水环境管理研究,使用SWAT模型对以面源输出为主的宜兴市湖滏流域进行研究。
- Water and soil conservation project in Jiuyuangou demonstration areas in the Yellow River is a typical small watershed located in the hilly-gully areas on the Loess Plateau. 黄河水土保持生态工程韭园沟示范区为黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区具有代表性的典型小流域。
- By the support of ARC/INFO ge ographical information system and integration of GIS and USLE,the soil erosion amount of Yuzigou small watershed was predicted. 在地理信息系统ARC/INFO支持下,根据通用土壤流失方程式(USLE)对数据库实施运算操作,预测了芋子沟小流域土壤侵蚀量。
- Through the small watershed integrative protection we can collocate land structure reasonably, reduce sediment into river, decrease soil erosion, recover district eco-environment. 通过小流域的综合治理,可以合理配置土地结构,减少进入河道的泥沙,减少水土流失,恢复区域生态环境。
- In this paper, biomass of the major forest types and hydrologic features were studied in small watershed, aiming at soil and water conservation of Yangtze River. 本文主要是针对长江流域蓄水保土的需求,以小流域为单元,对大别山区主要森林类型的生物量与水文生态特征进行了研究。
- In a small watershed of mountainous areas, it is difficult to calibrate roughness of slope surface, gully and stream due to laking measured data of natural flow movement. 摘要在山区小流域中,坡面流糙率、沟道和山溪等的糙率由于缺乏天然水流实测资料,无法进行糙率率定,使得山洪爆发后,坡面流、沟道和山溪水流计算难以符合实际。
- Li Xinhu, Li Ruixue, Wei Chaofu. Study on vertical diversity of natural resource and rnanagement model in small watershed of mountain region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 李新虎,李瑞雪,魏朝富。山区小流域自然资源垂直分异特征。
- The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity, in the fore and after management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau. 摘要以西峰杨家沟小流域为研究对象,研究了在降雨和人类活动的影响下,黄土高原沟壑区小流域治理前后水沙变化。
- The variation of water and sand is studied under the influence of the rainfall and human activity,in the fore and after management of small watershed in gully region of the loess plateau. 以西峰杨家沟小流域为研究对象,研究了在降雨和人类活动的影响下,黄土高原沟壑区小流域治理前后水沙变化。