- Chapter IV Political Structure 第四章 政治体制
- National morality is rooted in the political structure. 国家的道德水准以政治结构为基础。
- Chapter IV is about anaphora of third person pronouns. 第四章,第三人称代词回指研究。
- Chapter IV, the management of the distribution channel. 第四章为网络环境下的分销渠道管理。
- Chapter IV describes what are knots and how to defined the knots precisely. 第四篇阐明何为笔结以及笔结之严谨之定义为何?供索引笔结之用。
- It will be shown in Chapter IV that blast waves can easily bend around apparent obstructions. 在第四章中将指出爆震波可以很容易绕过明显的障碍物。
- The overall damage is then determined by the air blast, and is in accordance with the discussion in Chapter IV. 全面的破坏将由空中爆炸来决定,并且和第四章中讨论的是一致的。
- As it stands,our political structure is not adapted to the current situation. 现在看,我们的政治体制不能适应形势。
- Chapter IV depicts the effectiveness of Ricardian equivalence and fiscal policy. 本章对拉姆齐的无限期界模型和戴蒙德的世代交叠模型进行了详细的分析,探讨在不同条件下财政政策的作用机制,分析赤字财政及李嘉图等价原理在不同模型中的不同结论。
- Chapter IV elaborates the content and implement of the criminal policy of both lenience and severity for minors. 第四章阐述了未成年人轻缓刑事政策的内容与实现。
- Many roots of education'problem are society and political structure. 许多教育问题的根源存在于社会和政治结构。
- As it stands, our political structure is not adapted to the current situation. 现在看,不搞政治体制改革不能适应形势。
- Chapter IV explains all kinds of shortcoming on the vote and publishing for the bill in our current legislative process. 第四章从法案的表决和公布环节,说明了我国现行立法程序的种种不足。
- Chapter IV, Xue people can arrogant criticism Qianxian, making future generations of his critics Heart obnoxious, evaluation rather low. 第四章,薛能为人狂妄自大、非议前贤,使得后世评论家对他非议颇多,评价颇低。
- Chapter IV intends to study the relationship through the iconology framework of Erwin Panofsky’s research of northern Renaissance art. 第四章是在图像学的框架之下考察潘诺夫斯基研究北方文艺复兴艺术中的语词与图像的关系。
- The reform of the political structure covers both democracy and the legal system. 政治体制改革包括民主和法制。
- In Chapter III and Chapter IV, I focus on Hardy s and Dreiser s different evolutionary viewpoints that are explored in these two novels. 这些相异点解释了两种文学运动对作者和作品的不同影响。
- Chapter IV outlines the experiences of foreign banks in overseas mature markets by using Citibank and ABN AMRO as example. 第四章对外资银行个人理财业务的发展历程以及成熟的营销经验作了介绍,并主要以花旗银行、荷兰银行为例总结出可借鉴之处;
- The reform of the political structure and the reform of the economic structure are interdependent and should be coordinated. 政治体制改革同经济体制改革应该相互依赖,相互配合。