- Chao Chi 赵佶
- The second year the king of the state of Chi, an ally of Chao, ordered his generals Tien Chi and Sun Pin to aid Chao with their troops. 第二年,齐国国君命田忌、孙膑率军救赵。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齐是一个古老的人类国家。
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。
- Liu Chao of Ninghsiang was killed by the peasants. 宁乡的刘昭,是农民直接打死的。
- So began the pursuit of the Chi troops. 遂逐齐师。
- What do we do with this leftover chao mian? 剩下的炒面怎么办?
- Liu Chi once made some changes to it. 曾有刘炽对其进行过加工,
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- What do we do with the leftover chao mian? 剩下的炒面怎么办?
- Mom freezes eggs so daughter can have chi. 母亲冷冻卵子为女儿将来使用。
- More and more people are learning to do Tai Chi. 越来越多人在学打太极。
- Who 's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- Guangzhou Chi Lin Precision Machine Ltd. 广州鑫麟精密机械有限公司。
- Ukeke. I finally got one green maskonly one Chi. 我最终得到了一个绿色的遮罩,只有一个。
- Today is a good opportunity to learn Chao Opera. 今天可是个学习潮剧的好机会啊。
- Chao Lin has seemed worried lately. 曹林近来好像有什么心思。
- Tianjin Gold Chi Engineering Technique Co., Ltd. 天津市金螭工程技术有限公司。