- Changzhou school of ci study 常州词派
- Zheng Wen-zhuo was a ci writer of Changzhou School of Ci Poems, and he advocated innovation. 郑文焯是常州词派后期“变革型”的一位词人,他变革的其中一点就是学习姜夔的词。
- Hermeneutics of Changzhou School of Ci and the Modern Theory of Ci 常州词派与近代词学中的解释学思想
- On Kuang Zhouyi's Inheritance and Development of Theory of Changzhou School of Ci Poems 略论况周颐对常州词派词学理论的继承和发展
- Changzhou school of ci 常州词派
- Changzhou school of ci poems 常州词派
- Figure of Speech of Changzhou School of the Ci 论常州词派的比兴理论
- Comment on ZHANG Huiyan's View and Works of Ci Poems, a Leader of Changzhou School 论常州派领袖张惠言的词论与词作
- It's generally considered in classical literary reviews that Su Shi established the powerful and free school of Ci writing, which was widely different from the subtle and concise school. 在古典文学评论中,一般认为苏轼创立了与“婉约派”迥然相异的“豪放派”词风。
- He has often been late for school of late. 他近来经常迟到。
- He graduated from a school of crafts and arts. 他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。
- She's just graduated from the School of Cookery. 她刚从烹饪学校毕业。
- Many features of Ci Fu originated from the wizard sacrificial rites and the incantation, which both directly influence the origin and the schools of Ci Fu. 辞赋的许多特点都来源于巫祭活动的仪式和咒语 ,这不仅直接影响了辞赋的源 ,也影响了辞赋的流。
- She attended a school of dress design. 她就读於一所服装设计学校。
- On the Demands and Trainings of CI Professionals. 竞争情报人才需求与培养研究。
- On School of Ci Criticism in the 20th Century 20世纪词学批评流派论
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- The Relationship Between Zhou Ji's Theory of Bailment and the Maturation of Ci Study of Qing Dynasty 周济寄托说与清代词学的成熟
- The Theoretial Turnaround in Ci Study of the Qing Dynasty from Distinguishing Style to Esteeming Character of Ci 清代词学由辨体向尊体的批评转向
- Graduate School of Education, National principalship study. 供稿: Gross; Neal Crasilneck; 1920-; Harvard University.