- Late Quaternary stratigraphy and evolution of the Changjiang Delta, China. 晚第四纪古河口湾的发育及有关的资源环境问题。
- The Changjiang Delta, richly endowed by nature, is a land of plenty. 长江三角洲是得天独厚的鱼米之乡。
- Then the paper confirms the mechanism theory with the case of RTC of Changjiang Delta, analyzes its particularity. 文章重点是对区域旅游合作机制进行理论探析。
- After discovering these problems, changjiang Delta spring decides to defer to cooperate greenly with Zhao Song. 在发现这些问题后,江南春决定暂缓与赵松青的合作。
- Although say " since ancient times the belle gives Changjiang Delta " this word when the mouth of out Heren. 究其原因至少有这两方面:一是得益于山水之灵气、日月之精华。
- Wild rice stem, weever, water shield is in 1000 be labelled before New Year more Changjiang Delta 3 names dish. 茭白、鲈鱼、莼菜在1000多年前就被列为江南三大名菜。
- The channel appearance of Changjiang Delta a network of rivers is occurrent bigger change. 江南水网的航道面貌正在发生较大的变化。
- But Song Zheng's in one's heart, flowing to follow the blood with Changjiang Delta euqally emulative spring. 但宋政的骨子里,流着跟江南春一样好胜的血液。
- Lin Jiaxi says, demit of Changjiang Delta spring holds the post of CEO is expected issue. 林嘉喜称,江南春辞任CEO是意料之中的事情。
- And recently it will try to take coverage to BoHai Sea around, ChangJiang Delta and ZhuJiang Delta, finally realizing the nationwide coverage. 近期将初步实现环渤海、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲地区的覆盖,最终实现全国覆盖。
- China industry cluster mainly centres in Pearl River Delta, the Changjiang Delta, ring Bohai Sea Gulf and the south of Fujian Province area. 摘要我国产业集群主要集中在珠江三角洲、长江三角洲、环渤海湾和闽南地区。
- This paper analyzes and discusses the relationship between the sea surface rising and the land subsiding in Changjiang Delta area. 在有关学者以往研究工作的基础上,对长江三角洲地区的相对海平面上升和地面沉降问题作了分析探讨。
- Now wenzhou has been facing urgent circumstances for how to connect wenzhou economy to Changjiang delta economy and interact with hanghzhou gulf area. 温州经济如何接轨长三角与杭州湾产业带互动已经成为温州面临的严峻的形势与重大发展课题。
- One day at the beginning of December 2008, tea is drunk to chat in Changjiang Delta spring and a cafes that Cao Guowei is in Shanghai. 2008年12月初的一天,江南春与曹国伟在上海的一个茶馆里喝茶聊天。
- Our company is located in the most dynamic center of Changjiang Delta of China ,and each only 70 kilometres from Shanghai,Hangzhou and Suzhou. 公司介绍:本公司位于中国最具经济活力的长三角中心,离上海、杭州、苏州各70公里。
- Changjiang delta is located on the eastern coast of China, closely linking the largest Pacific Ocean of the world and the summit of Tibetan plateau of the Asian continent. 长江三角洲位于我国东部沿海,亚洲的东端,联系着全球最大的边缘海盆与最高的青藏高原,是当今海陆交互作用最为敏感和复杂地带。
- All along backward Changjiang Delta market, hutch clean provides product amplitude to break up two times, of 60 % add the market newly to result from consumer whole set is bought. 一向落后的江南市场,厨洁具产品增幅翻两番,60%25的新增市场源于消费者成套购买。
- Give sweet jade, Shanxi to give old-style Chinese private bank like La Tian same, from ancient up to now Changjiang Delta is teemed with gave countless beauties. 其它地方这些条件不一定全部具备,但是江南是具备了。再说北方人一天到晚忙于政治。
- Without stannic city Changjiang Delta one cotton leans namely " ego develops " , walked out of a bright road that suits factory situation, the road of the hope. 无锡市江南一棉就是靠“自我发展”,走出了一条适合厂情的光明之路,希望之路。
- Across of a network of waterways, laky dotted, it is typical Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes, whole town water amounts to 5100 mus, rich is rich. 河网交叉,湖泊星罗棋布,是典型的江南水乡,全镇水面达5100亩,自然资源丰富。